الموضوع: To all the ansars who speak english

النتائج 11 إلى 20 من 22
  1. افتراضي

    In the Name of Allah , the Most Beneficent Most Graceful
    Peace and blessings up on all Messengers and Prophets sent By Allah to teach and guide those who are willing to the path of Light and Truth ...

    Peace and blessings be up on our beloved Imam He Who owns the knowledge of the book , Expert of the Beneficent, peace be up on his purified family members and up on his supporters

    Dear brothers and sisters

    Assalamu alikum, may Allah guide us all to please Him and support the truth and the message of truth of His last vicegerent Imam Mahdi Nassir Mohammed Al Yemeni

    By now we all know that we don't ask others to be hero's rather we are the ones who must be the hero's, especially that we have all we need to start making our own films and publish on Imam's web sites, therefore we have to prepare the ground materials and essential info by ourselves so that people from across the world and truth seekers will find their aim at imam's sites and can join our community which is "the Community Of Imam Mahdi Nasir Mohamed Al Yemani Supporters".

    All of you will be the moderators and supervisors of Supporters Community
    the Main web site to our community will be :

    Our beloved brother Jomart is assigned as Super Moderator responsible of info published on community web site,
    our beloved brother oceanman has most experience in translating Imam's statements and did a great job of that, therefor he will be responsible in charge of the translation into English Material, we suggest anybody willing to take part in translating statements of Imam to English to contact brother oceanman and follow his guidance ...

    we are planning to gather all video's produced by Alansaar on that same web site inorder to present a various of material translations and videos

    At the same time the effort of diffusing and spreading the statements and Fatwas of Imam on Imams web sites and forums
    we will provide with URL 'S of all web sites and forums of Imam sothat you can register and participate in copying the bayanats to those sites and forums. Recently i noticed brother Ibrahim has made a great effort in adding info and threads to the french section we appreciate that and tend to remind every brother and sister:
    The translation and spreading the statements made Imam Mahdi is a TRUST =AMANA therefore please do not add your personal views or interpretations rather translate and spread all info as it is wihout adding or diminishing anything of it

    Jazakum Allah Khair wassalamu alaikum wrwb

  2. افتراضي

    thank you Management and may Allah SWT reward us with the his greatest bless the pleasure of Allah
    i went ahead and registered at http://www.minbar-almahdi.net and now waiting for approval to start copying English byan
    and i am in contact with brother Oceanman about the thread in the WUP forums and Byans I spread there
    ll --نشهدُ أن لا إله إلا الله ونشهدُ أن محمد رسول الله ونشهدُ أن الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد خليفة الله في الأرض سمعنا وأطعنا غفرانك ربنا وإليك المصير--ll

  3. افتراضي

    In the Name of Allah , the Most Beneficent Most Graceful
    thanks brother mahmoud for all your hard work but
    i want to ask a question where did you get the translation for the verses ?

  4. افتراضي

    brother ehab
    i use this program called Zekr Its free
    and supports search
    ll --نشهدُ أن لا إله إلا الله ونشهدُ أن محمد رسول الله ونشهدُ أن الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد خليفة الله في الأرض سمعنا وأطعنا غفرانك ربنا وإليك المصير--ll

  5. افتراضي

    Al Salaam Alaykum
    Barak Allah fikom for the new site, Al Hamdulilaah

    For translating Quran from Arabic to English
    this is one of the websites that can be used

    it is important to test and compare the different tranlations and search
    some of the words that are not translated correctly, to find the most suitable one.

    Jazaakum Allah Khayran brothers

    Fi Aman Allah
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    وَجَاءَ مِنْ أَقْصَى الْمَدِينَةِ رَجُلٌ يَسْعَىٰ قَالَ يَا قَوْمِ اتَّبِعُوا الْمُرْسَلِينَ
    اتَّبِعُوا مَن لَّا يَسْأَلُكُمْ أَجْرًا وَهُم مُّهْتَدُونَ
    صدق الله العظيم

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    يَا حَسْرَةً عَلَى الْعِبَادِ ۚ مَا يَأْتِيهِم مِّن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا كَانُوا بِهِ يَسْتَهْزِئُونَ
    صدق الله العظيم

  6. افتراضي

    Please feel free to review any English translation from me or from others,
    this way we can fine tune the articles to be exaclty as Imam Nasser
    (as accurate as possible).

    Salaam Alaykum
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    وَجَاءَ مِنْ أَقْصَى الْمَدِينَةِ رَجُلٌ يَسْعَىٰ قَالَ يَا قَوْمِ اتَّبِعُوا الْمُرْسَلِينَ
    اتَّبِعُوا مَن لَّا يَسْأَلُكُمْ أَجْرًا وَهُم مُّهْتَدُونَ
    صدق الله العظيم

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    يَا حَسْرَةً عَلَى الْعِبَادِ ۚ مَا يَأْتِيهِم مِّن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا كَانُوا بِهِ يَسْتَهْزِئُونَ
    صدق الله العظيم

  7. افتراضي

    i'll be reviewing while i copy to http://www.minbar-almahdi.net
    ll --نشهدُ أن لا إله إلا الله ونشهدُ أن محمد رسول الله ونشهدُ أن الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد خليفة الله في الأرض سمعنا وأطعنا غفرانك ربنا وإليك المصير--ll

  8. افتراضي

    Assalamo Alaykoum

    My brother Mahmoud, the topic that you created in WUP forum has been closed by an admin called: Archimetaus
    اقتباس المشاركة :
    This fraud has been exposed and refuted enough times already on this very website. Mahdi will not be known by wise-talking (which this guy lacks even that). He will be known by his actions. Whenever this Imam of yours started fighting the evil, give me a call and I will be his first soldier. A sitting Mahdi is not a Mahdi. This applies to all so-called Mahdis on this forum.

    Topic locked and binned.

    Do not open similar ones.

    انتهى الاقتباس
    حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل.

  9. افتراضي

    اقتباس المشاركة : ابراهيم
    Assalamo Alaykoum

    My brother Mahmoud, the topic that you created in WUP forum has been closed by an admin called: Archimetaus

    حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل.
    انتهى الاقتباس من ابراهيم
    حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل
    ll --نشهدُ أن لا إله إلا الله ونشهدُ أن محمد رسول الله ونشهدُ أن الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد خليفة الله في الأرض سمعنا وأطعنا غفرانك ربنا وإليك المصير--ll

  10. افتراضي

    salaam alaykum,
    indeed this is what happened and i am witness,
    fi aman Allah
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    وَجَاءَ مِنْ أَقْصَى الْمَدِينَةِ رَجُلٌ يَسْعَىٰ قَالَ يَا قَوْمِ اتَّبِعُوا الْمُرْسَلِينَ
    اتَّبِعُوا مَن لَّا يَسْأَلُكُمْ أَجْرًا وَهُم مُّهْتَدُونَ
    صدق الله العظيم

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    يَا حَسْرَةً عَلَى الْعِبَادِ ۚ مَا يَأْتِيهِم مِّن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا كَانُوا بِهِ يَسْتَهْزِئُونَ
    صدق الله العظيم

المواضيع المتشابهه
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