Imam Nassir Mohammed Alyamani
23 - 06 - 1433 هـ
14 - 05- 2012 مـ
04:00 AM
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Allah's' Mercy is upon the Muslims, and Also we ask Allah to have mercy on the remorseful erring infidels after they have tasted the severe punishment from their Lord
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. Peace and prayers upon my grandfather Mohammed the messenger of God and upon his purified family and all of the Supporters of Allah.
Allah , the One, the Prevailing
and Hence,
I have begged the uttermost dearest being to my soul, my beloved Lord(Allah),by the testimony that there is no God but him,by the mercy that he have written to have on himself,and by the greatest Joy when his approval is fully satisfactory to himself; whereby to forgive and have mercy on all the dead Muslim souls and to bestow his mercy upon all of them to be amongst the righteous believers.
Also, I begged him to have mercy upon all the remorseful erring infidels and to take them from hell fire and enter them into paradise, for my Lord is all
forgiving and all merciful he do what ever he
As for those who became of wretched, they will be in the Fire. For them therein is [violent] exhaling and inhaling.(106)
[They will be] abiding therein as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except what your Lord should will. Indeed, your Lord is an affecter of what He intends(107)Surah Hud,Sahih International(Quran translation)
(True be to God)
Oh Allah(GOD),forgive All the dead souls of Muslims(the submitters of his will)and all the remorseful infidels, O ye who encompassed all things in knowledge and mercy, the promise of Allah is truth and you are the most .merciful
peace upon the messengers and [All] praise is [due] to.Allah , Lord of the worlds.
[Perhaps one of you would like to interrupt me and say
You who claims' to be the awaited Imam Mahdi(the divinely guided leader) and argues with people in succinct reminding verses of the reminder(Quran) - they are the foundation of the Book -
?how could you ask forgiveness for the infidels
:_Doesn't Allah Almighty say
It is not for the Prophet and those who have believed to ask forgiveness for the polytheists, even if they were relatives, after it has become clear to them that they are companions of Hellfire(113)
And the request of forgiveness of Abraham for his father was only because of a promise he had made to him. But when it became apparent to Abraham that his father was an enemy to Allah , he disassociated himself from him. Indeed was Abraham compassionate and patient.(114) 114) Surah Altubah,Sahih International Quran traslation
Then, I will answer in reply and say:Yes the believers should not ask forgiveness for the infidels as long as they are not dogged on their rejection to the truth from their true Lord and they are not waging war on the religion of God;then,how could he forgive them and they are still dogged on their rejection to the true religion from God and they strive to put off the guiding light from God ? The supplication of forgiveness by Abraham , the intimate follower to Allah, was only done before hand,when his father promised him to think on what he preached about, but Abraham father was bluffing in oder to get rid of Abraham because he impressed him -amongst his tribesman-by preaching to the call of Allah(GOD). But when he found out that his father is an enemy to Allah he disassociated himself from him. :As asserted by Allah's' saying
And the request of forgiveness of Abraham for his father was only because of a promise he had made to him. But when it became apparent to Abraham that his father was an enemy to Allah , he disassociated himself from him. Indeed was Abraham compassionate and patient.(114) Surah Altubah,Sahih International Quran traslation
on the other hand, the intimate follower to Allah- Abraham- he did ask forgiveness for his father after he passed away, because Abraham knows that his father became remorseful after his death. Then, he asked forgiveness for him because he was an erring infidel-one who was lead astray thinking he is in the right path, and he was not among the devilish-one who knows the truth but he still rejects it and knows the wrong path and he follows it and calls for it
And he said], "My Lord, grant me authority and join me with the righteous.(83)
And grant me a spoken tongue of honor- truthful book in honored language- among later generations.(84)
And place me among the inheritors of the paradise of pleasure.(85
And forgive my father. Indeed, he has been of those astray.(86)
And do not disgrace me on the Day they are [all] resurrected -(87)
The Day when there will not benefit [anyone] wealth or children(88)
But only one who comes to Allah with a sound heart."(89)
I call on all the group of people who are the finest forerunners and supporters to the call of Imam Mahdi in the era of dialogue before advent of the Imam Mahdi; these supporters will not be pleased with attainment of HUR Eien- Women of paradise pleasing to eyesight as their beauty is beyond imagination-and will not be pleased with Paradise till they achieve-their uttermost goal for existence- that Allah(God) pleasing approval is attained and he is fully satisfied and pleased. So, start working towards achieving your goal, to attain Allah full satisfaction that is the uttermost Joy,far greater than the joy of attaining the Joy of paradise; so
beg Allah for forgiveness for All the Muslims(the submitters to the well of God), the dead and the living,and ask forgiveness to those deceased erring infidels only- those who are astray thinking they were right.
But do not ask forgiveness from God to the living erring infidels who are dogged on their unbelief ,and do not ask forgiveness for the devilish humans-those who know the truth but wants to follow and call for devils way-So, only your supplication of forgiveness is for the remorseful,those who became in hell fire and regret that they have neglected what came from Allah. On the other hand, the devilish humans they are not remorseful that they have neglected what came from Allah;in the contrary, they regret their failure to lead all mankind astray and have them all in hell fire to be of equal status with them,and Allah said:
They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike.(verse 89,surah Alnssaa
But the intimate follower to Allah,Abraham, had asked forgiveness for his father twice.
First when he was still living but he came to realize that his father is dogged in disbelieve and enmity towards the religion of God, then he have disassociated from him. But later after the death of his father, he asked for Allah's' (GOD) forgiveness for his father because he knows that his father became among the remorseful-the ones' who thought they were right and were lead astray-and Abraham's' plead to Allah was not done until his father passed away and it's because his father was an erring infidel but not of a devilish infidels. So, you should ask for forgiveness for those decedent infidels the remorseful ones', as the intimate follower to Allah, Abraham, asked for his father again after his death, and that is because his father is an erring infidel-those who were astray although they were striving thinking they were on the right path, and his father was not of those who Allah have evoked [his] anger on them-those who knows the right path full heartedly but choose the devils' way and calls for it. That is why The intimate follower to Allah,Abraham, prayers and peace upon him and his purified family have said:
And he said], "My Lord, grant me authority and join me with the righteous.(83)
And grant me a spoken tongue of honor- truthful book in honored language- among later generations.(84)
And place me among the inheritors of the paradise of pleasure.(85
And forgive my father. Indeed, he has been of those astray.(86)
And do not disgrace me on the Day they are [all] resurrected -(87)
The Day when there will not benefit [anyone] wealth or children(88)
But only one who comes to Allah with a sound heart."(89)
So, remember Oh you group of supporters-to the call of Imam Mahdi for Sincere submission to Allah( Islam)- that The Most merciful is not happy and he is ruth - Sorrow for the misery of his creation who were lead astray and faced his just punishment- those erring infidels who are in astray thinking they were doing the right thing on their believe and they have rejected the the messengers from their Lord but the wrath of God has came upon them(Sihaa)-as of Allahs' anger of command for his wrath, or his decree for the Planet Nibru(Sjeel) blasting meteors(balls of fire) on them-So, they became of the remorseful ones. Then, Allahs' ruth was on them because he is the Most merciful. And Allah have said
It was not but one command of anger -be- and immediately they were extinguished.(29)
How Great is my ruth on those slaves. There did not come to them any messenger except that they used to ridicule him.(30)
Have they not considered how many generations We destroyed before them - that they to them will not return?(31)
And indeed, all of them will yet be brought present before Us.(32)
[/Surah Yassen
(True Allahs' word)
Peace be upon the messengers. [All] praise is [due] to Allah , Lord of the worlds -
your Bother The Imam Mahdi Nassir Mohammed Alyamani
Arabic deceleration of Imam Mahdi was taken from this address