الموضوع: The story of the death of King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz and the clinical death of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman owing to Coronavirus

النتائج 21 إلى 30 من 36
  1. smiling face The story of the death of King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz and the clinical death of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman owing to Coronavirus

    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

    05-Duh’l Hijjah-1443AH
    04-July-2022 AD
    11:03 AM
    (According to the Official Time of [Mecca Mother of Towns])

    Brief News for the Peoples of Mankind

    I Swear by the Truth [Allaah] that it is impossible for the deceased King Salman and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to give a live and audiovisual speech at the Gulf Summit in July 2022AD, until Abdulaziz Al Saud [known in the West as Ibn Saud] gets out of his grave. This is a decisive word that is not to be taken for amusement
    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

    Translator’s note:
    Ibn Saud is the former King of KSA who died in 1953 AD. He is the father of the dead King Salman bin Abdulaziz and the grandfather of the deceased Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman [AKA MBS]

    اقتباس المشاركة 389363 من موضوع مُختَصَر الخبر لشعوبِ البشر ..

    - 1 -
    الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني
    05 - ذو الحجة - 1443 هـ
    04 - 07 - 2022 مـ
    11:03 صباحًا
    (بحسب التّقويم الرّسميّ لأمّ القرى)


    مختصر الخبر لشعوب البشر ..

    أقسم بالحق أنه يستحيل أن يلقي خطابًا (الملك سلمان وولي عهده محمد بن سلمان) الأموات بالصوت والصورة على الهواء مباشرةً في القمة الخليجية (يوليو 2022 مـ) حتى يأتي من قبره (عبد العزيز آل سعود).
    القول الفصل وما هو بالهزل.

    الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني.
    اضغط هنا لقراءة البيان المقتبس..

  2. افتراضي


    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed

    04-Dhu’l Hijjah-1443 AH
    03-July-2022 AD
    01:30 PM
    (According to the Official Time of Mecca [Mother of Towns] )

    O Joe Biden, Roll out the Red Carpet

    In the name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Almighty, the Avenger of every arrogant in this mendacious world except those on whom my Lord has mercy

    O US President, Joe Biden, and former President George Bush Jr. I shall say a word by the permission of Allaah: roll out the red carpet at the gate of the White House and gird your loins [prepare yourselves] to receive Allaah's caliph on the whole world, Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, as a guest on the United States of America soon. And my Lord is Allaah, the Truth, and the truth I say and Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani was never of the jesters, so if Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani is truly Allaah's caliph on the whole world, then what will your thought be about Allaah who Chose him to be His caliph on the whole world —it's land and sea— would not Allaah achieve His purpose, O non-Arabs and Arabs? Then, what do you think about him whom Allaah is with? And why do not you save yourselves from the distresses of the wars of the calamities of Allaah's cosmic and COVIDious [related to COVID] war, verily you are not co-equal to Allaah —the Lord of the Worlds— so listen to and comprehend this verse by which I was ordered by Allaah to recite unto the worlds as follows:
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    (قُلِ ٱللَّهُمَّ مَـٰلِكَ ٱلۡمُلۡكِ تُؤۡتِی ٱلۡمُلۡكَ مَن تَشَاۤءُ وَتَنزِعُ ٱلۡمُلۡكَ مِمَّن تَشَاۤءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَاۤءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَاۤءُۖ بِیَدِكَ ٱلۡخَیۡرُۖ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَیۡءࣲ قَدِیرࣱ)
    صدق الله العظيم
    [سورة آل عمران 26]

    In the name of Allaah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

    {Say, "O Allah, Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from whom You will. You honour whom You will and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all] good. Indeed, You have power over all things} 3:26
    Truthful is Allaah the Great

    Yes, Indeed! It is among the fundamental clear verses of the Book in the Great Qur’an and that is how the order of Allaah came to me to recite it as there is no new revelation; rather the true clarification of the Glorious Quran which you shall find truly manifested in actual reality. O US President, Joe Biden, my Lord is the Truth and the truth I say —with the decisive word that is not to be taken for amusement— that America, Russia, China, Britain, and all the major and minor powers must know that they truly cannot resist Allaah's cosmic and COVIDious wars, but you have entered the stage of the war of the greatest climatic calamities and COVID the severe soldier under the leadership of Allaah the Almighty the Praiseworthy. And the mightiest in power and most tormenting COVID has arrived, although it does not have even an atom's weight of disease symptoms except for only one which is death that shall not be escaped by whomever it hits in a blink of an eye. Furthermore, I am Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani who does not speak about Allaah except with the truth in regards to the description of COVID the firm plan of Allaah which strikes [with death] the wrongdoers and let me be more precise in describing the firm plan of Allaah, it does not strike with death in a blink of an eye— far is that from being the truth— but I swear by the Lord of the earth and the heavens that COVID— the firm plan of Allaah— strikes whomever it hits in sooner than a blink of an eye out of the intensity of its might by the Words of Allaah of the firm planning. And I mean the type dedicated to the arrogant wrongdoers so that they will neither be able to make a will nor return to their people, a gift for them from the Lord of the Worlds to whom and His caliph did not assign any importance, or did you find the origin of Corona— Allaah's soldiers— and from where did Allaah invade you with it, as per my announced challenge with the truth at the beginning for you to know the origin of Corona, in line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted:

    (فَذَرۡنِی وَمَن یُكَذِّبُ بِهَـٰذَا ٱلۡحَدِیثِۖ سَنَسۡتَدۡرِجُهُم مِّنۡ حَیۡثُ لَا یَعۡلَمُونَ ۝ وَأُمۡلِی لَهُمۡۚ إِنَّ كَیۡدِی مَتِینٌ)
    صدق الله العظيم
    [سورة القلم 44 - 45]

    {So leave Me (to deal) with him who denies this discourse . We will progressively lead them from where they do not know, (44) for, behold, though I may give them rein for a while, indeed, My plan is firm
    [Surah: 68 - Al-Qalam – Verses: 44-45]
    Truthful is Allaah the Great

    You have indeed denied the minor signs of Allaah and it is now time for Allaah's soldiers of the firm plan by the command of their Creator, Leader, and Who taught them how He Created man and how they shall invade him. Also, Allaah Prepared them for the determining and decisive battle against Arab decision-makers and whomever Allaah wills from non-Arabs and their peoples, also many of them will disappear from TV screens very soon especially Arab decision-makers and whomever Allaah wills from non-Arabs, ergo they shall be struck with the same which Allaah struck King Salman and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, which is the same thing Allaah promised to strike with Khalid bin Salman, the greatest among actors and those satisfied with turning people away from believing the edifying signs among the Arab and non-Arab decision-makers, guest, and host

    Lo and behold! How will Joe Biden visit the dead to hold with them meetings, interviews, and security and economic agreements in KSA? This is utterly very strange and beyond wonder! And O US President Joe Biden, if you are truly a truth-seeker, nothing will befall you, and Allaah knows best what is within yourself so turn back to your Lord to guide your heart. Perhaps Joe Biden would like to say: “O Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, are your challenges still on concerning the fact that COVID of no escape from death has struck with death King Salman and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman? Because the date of my visit to the Arabian Peninsula has approached”. Then Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani replies to you and says: “ O Joe, my answer is a “yes” filled with confidence and pride in Allaah the Almighty the Praiseworthy, also there were others —whom you did not witness— have sinned like the sins of their [late] companions and I advised them to take a lesson so they submit to Allaah's command of obeying His caliph, and worship Allaah alone thus they guide themselves and their peoples; therefore, Allaah increases them in the honour due to power. How many times did I advise them with the truth to choose what bears good for themselves but they did the opposite and instead of taking a lesson and example you see them striving to cause failure to the edifying signs for the worlds by devising some plan to turn people away from believing these signs, as a result, Allaah has counter-devised a plan against them in line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted:

    (أَمۡ أَبۡرَمُوۤا۟ أَمۡرࣰا فَإِنَّا مُبۡرِمُونَ ۝ أَمۡ یَحۡسَبُونَ أَنَّا لَا نَسۡمَعُ سِرَّهُمۡ وَنَجۡوَىٰهُمۚ بَلَىٰ وَرُسُلُنَا لَدَیۡهِمۡ یَكۡتُبُونَ)
    صدق الله العظيم
    [سورة الزخرف 79 - 80]

    {Or have they devised [some] affair? But indeed, We are devising [a plan]. (79) Or do they think that We hear not their secrets and their private conversations? Yes, [We do], and Our messengers are with them recording. (80)} 43:79-80

    How greatly did they belittle people's minds through fellows of the masked faces of King Salman and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman under the leadership of the actor who fooled nations, Khalid bin Salman? And yes, indeed you will find these masked faces of the impersonators of Salman and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman speaking to those around them among hosts as both the guest and the host have agreed on acting; however, they do not speak to the worlds live in an audiovisual way through TV about new topics that took place after the beginning of February 3, 2022 AD, and unequivocally neither Kind Salman nor his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will do so until pigs fly, but Allaah has made them a lesson and example for decision-makers and other chiefs shall join them but I am not sure whether Allaah will give them time till the day of the Gulf Summit or he shall dismiss them from their posts to the Hellfire so you find no one to meet, O Joe Biden, as Arab leaders know, comprehend, and understand what Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani says ,but they got to far neglecting warnings and acted arrogantly as if they do not know while they know that Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani is truthful and never was I a lunatic who says conjectures about Allaah, O Joe Biden, so roll out the red carpet to receive Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani in Washington infront of the White House because Allaah will definitely make your necks and the whole world's bend in utter humility before Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, provided that Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani is truly Allaah's caliph on the whole world and I repeat “on the whole world” O Joe Biden, by the permission of Allaah the Almighty the Praiseworthy. So worship Allaah alone no partners with Him O Joe Biden so that He increases your might and power; this I promise you with the decisive word that is not to be taken for amusement and follow the story of the death of King Salman and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

    Peace be upon the messengers and all praise is due to Allaah the Lord of the Worlds
    Allaah's caliph on the whole world; Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

    Translated by: Deena ADEL
    Edited by: Sam al-Awami

  3. افتراضي

    - 23 -

    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

    17-Dhu’l Hijjah- 1443 AH
    16-July-2022 AD
    08:57 AM
    (According to the Official Time of Mecca [Mother of Towns])

    Here is a Word that I say with the Permission of Allaah

    Here is a Word that I say with the Permission of Allaah: You will never see the clinically dead Crown Prince—Mohammed bin Salman — speaking in a press conference or inaugurating the Gulf Summit to welcome his guests from Arab and non-Arab Heads of States until King Abdul Aziz Al Saud [known in the West as Ibn Saud] comes back from his grave to welcome the guests of KSA. And you shall come to know, O you who feel secure from the plan of Allaah

    Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

    اقتباس المشاركة 390848 من موضوع سلسلة بيانات قصة وفاة الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز ومصرع ولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان بموت سريري...!

    - 23 -
    الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني
    17 - ذو الحجة - 1443 هـ
    16 - 07 - 2022 مـ
    08:57 صباحًا
    (بحسب التقويم الرسمي لأم القرى)

    [لمتابعة رابط المشاركة الأصلية للبيان]

    هي كلمة أقولها بإذن الله ..

    هي كلمة أقولها بإذن الله: لن تشاهدوا الميت سريرياً ولي العهد محمد بن سلمان يتكلم في مؤتمر صحفي أو يفتتح القمة للترحيب بضيوفه من رؤساء دول العرب والعجم حتى يعود الملك عبد العزيز من قبره ليرحب بضيوف المملكة ولسوف تعلمون يا من يأمنون مكر الله.

    خليفة الله المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني.

    اضغط هنا لقراءة البيان المقتبس..

  4. افتراضي

    - 24 -

    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

    19- Dhu’l Hijjah- 1443AH
    05:57 AM
    (According to the Official Time of Mecca [Mother of Towns])

    Prince Khalid bin Salman was Struck into Death

    Allaah the Exalted Said:
    {أَمْ أَبْرَمُوا أَمْرًا فَإِنَّا مُبْرِمُونَ ‎﴿٧٩﴾‏ أَمْ يَحْسَبُونَ أَنَّا لَا نَسْمَعُ سِرَّهُمْ وَنَجْوَاهُم ۚ بَلَىٰ وَرُسُلُنَا لَدَيْهِمْ يَكْتُبُونَ ‎﴿٨٠﴾} صدق الله العظيم.
    {Or have they plotted some plan? Then We too are planning (79) Or do they think that We hear not their secrets and their private conversations? Yes, [We do], and Our messengers are with them recording. (80)} 43:79-80

    O mankind, Allaah reinforced with a third one through the struck of Khalid bin Salman into demise so that those who perished would perish upon evidence and those who lived would live upon evidence.

    Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

    اقتباس المشاركة 391524 من موضوع سلسلة بيانات قصة وفاة الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز ومصرع ولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان بموت سريري...!

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    الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ
    19 - ذو الحجة - 1443 هـ
    18 - 07 - 2022 مـ
    05:57 صباحًا
    (بحسب التقويم الرسمي لِأُمّ القُرى)

    [لمتابعة رابط المشاركة الأصلية للبيان]


    مَصرَعُ الأمير خالد بن سلمان ..

    قال الله تعالى: {أَمْ أَبْرَمُوا أَمْرًا فَإِنَّا مُبْرِمُونَ ‎﴿٧٩﴾‏ أَمْ يَحْسَبُونَ أَنَّا لَا نَسْمَعُ سِرَّهُمْ وَنَجْوَاهُم ۚ بَلَىٰ وَرُسُلُنَا لَدَيْهِمْ يَكْتُبُونَ ‎﴿٨٠﴾} صدق الله العظيم [سورة الزخرف].

    يا معشَر البَشَر، لقد عَزَّز الله بثالثٍ وصَرَع خالد بن سلمان ليهلك مَن هَلَك عن بَيِّنة ويحيى مَن حَيَّ عن بَيِّنة.

    خليفة الله المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ.
    اضغط هنا لقراءة البيان المقتبس..

  5. smiling face The Death of the King and Princes is a Major Sign


    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed

    23- Dhu’l Hijjah- 1443 AH
    22- July - 2022 AD
    10:36 AM
    (According to the official time of Mecca [mother of towns])

    The Death of the King and Princes is a Major Sign

    In the name of Allaah the One the Overpowering. O mankind, any man can forge a lie against his fellow man whether through accusing him of stealing or fabricating any false utterances and calumnies against him. But indeed, man cannot expose the falsehood attributed to him by his lying fellow man because he needs proof of his innocence. Also, the accused is innocent until proven guilty through definitive cluing, barring a man who lies about announcing the death of an alive and free person, as this lie will bring about the downfall of its inventor; howbeit soon he will be debunked as the alive will surely speak. Therefore, it is easy to expose lies about death, for the utterances of the alive will dismantle the falsity of the liar because the living will speak to people, as a result, they shall come to know that this John Doe is a liar

    I swear by Allaah, it was one of the best traits and values of Arabs when they used to consider lying reprehensible and shameful of the liar, especially when his lie caused harm to his fellow man, he thereat burdened himself with slander and manifest sin in the sight of his Lord, in line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted

    إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُؤْذُونَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ لَعَنَهُمُ اللَّهُ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ وَأَعَدَّ لَهُمْ عَذَابًا مُّهِينًا (57) وَالَّذِينَ يُؤْذُونَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ بِغَيْرِ مَا اكْتَسَبُوا فَقَدِ احْتَمَلُوا بُهْتَانًا وَإِثْمًا مُّبِينًا (58) صدق الله العظيم
    [Al-Ahzab 33] 57-58

    And how great is the number of liars among Arabs especially and non-Arabs generally in this time when they renamed it [lying] “Politics and Wisdom”! Then I reply and say: How wretched is your policy and wisdom of lying to your peoples, and how wretched is the trait of one who is a liar in his dealings with others and slanderously forges false utterances about others with that which they did not commit, or does not fulfil his words and promises

    Perhaps one of the sceptics would like to say: “How could you be so weird, O Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani! For whoever reads this statement of yours will think you are of those truthful in words and most guided, but you lie about the death of King Salman and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, in addition to reinforcing with a third one who is, according to your claim, Prince Khalid bin Salman, so what is wrong with you, man? And O man, if we said you have become lunatic, whoever ponders upon your other clarifying statements of the great Quran would find his mind testifying that the truth is with you, and only a liar would deny your clarification of the great Quran; thence, the mind would not be able to ascribe lunacy to you at all. This applies to whoever rationally reflected upon your clarifying statements, therefore they find their minds endorsing you since the mind - by nature - is rational and complies with the truth but no one remembers except for those endowed with perception. And O Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, I have reflected upon your clarification of the Great Quran and I almost believed you are truly Allaah's caliph, al-Mahdi, but the trial of the strike down of Salman and Mohammed bin Salman with the COVID of no escape from death - according to your claim - has failed; owing to the appearance of King Salman in the Hajj speech on the tenth of Dhul-Hijjah this month via a video on the Saudi channel; likewise, the Saudi Crown Prince appeared audiovisually addressing people on the Saudi TV screen at the Gulf Summit on the 17th of Dhul-Hijjah (this month), in the presence of US President, Joseph Biden, and nine elites of Arab leaders. Are you underestimating our minds, Sheikh Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani?! Allaah alone is entreated for help! We felt good about you thinking you were the only hope for this nation after the grip had been tightened against it and we thought you were the only
    way out for all and sundry

    Then Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi on the whole world, Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, replies to you and says: Allaah alone is entreated for help against what you say, and I, Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi, smart by the permission of Allaah and not stupid like those who believed the greatest masquerade in the history of mankind since Allaah created Adam, our father, for which I have prepared my self, on the widest scale and at the level of decision-makers in Arabs and non-Arabs, to overcome the plan used by the arrogant ones to turn people away. Besides, I know they cannot revive King Salman and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to address a topic that happened after they had been stricken with death; although this new topic that occurred after their death shook the world, and became the talk of all the governments of the world and their peoples, which is
    (Russia's war on Ukraine), and since I know that the tongues of King Salman and his Crown Prince - have never mentioned Russia's war on Ukraine in any video since man discovered the science behind television; or even in the —oldest media —radio. That is why you will find that Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani imposes a requirement in every statement in (The Story of the Challenge of Al Salman) https://albushra-islamia.org/showthread.php?t=45446 for King Salman and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to speak on a new topic that occurred after the date: February, 03, 2022AD which marks the event of (Russia’s war on Ukraine) being the most famous new event after the death of King Salman and his crown prince, and it became the talk of all of the global arena, governments of the worlds and their peoples. Everyone addresses Russia's war on Ukraine except for two who appeared to speak about the Corona crisis that ravaged the world economy, as King Salman spoke of climate disasters; in addition to addressing the Corona pandemic, which he said devastated the world economy. However, you did not find him speaking of the crisis of the war between Russia and Ukraine; that is because it happened after the death of King Salman, ergo he does not know except for the pandemic of Corona that demolished the world's economy and health, as well as his mention of climate disasters. Given that the war between Russia and Ukraine did not occur during the reign of King Salman, he did not mention it in the video of his speech on the tenth of Dhu’l-Hijjah; because what King Salman mentioned before was fabricated and gathered from various videos, however, they did not find a video of him mentioning the war of Russia and Ukraine; because it did not take place until after the death of King Salman

    In addition, the biggest lie in the history of mankind since Allaah created Adam and Eve is the appearance of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the Gulf Summit —in the presence of US President Joe Biden— where he also addressed the Corona pandemic that devastated the world economy in terms of health and finance, and the war of Yemen and the truce. Although the topic behind The call for the emergent holding of the Jeddah summit, is the Russian war on Ukraine; you will find that it is as if Mohammed bin Salman is living extraterrestrially where he is not aware at all of the new global event, which is the war of Russia and Ukraine. Instead, you find that King Salman and his Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, are unenlightened in regards to the talk in the world arena about Russia’s war on Ukraine

    Since that I know death took King Salman and Mohammed bin Salman before the occurrence of Russia's war on Ukraine, Therefore, fabricators will never be able to get their hands on any video where King Salman and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman articulate a word in regards to the war between Russia and Ukraine because the King and his Crown Prince have never addressed the subject of the war of Russia and Ukraine in any video since Allaah created them. For that reason, fabricators stop in helplessness as they did not find a video or audio, ,for them, on a radio where they ever spoke about the war between Russia and Ukraine

    Accordingly, I judge with the truth without injustice, that the video of King Salman’s speech on (the tenth of Dhul-Hijjah for this year of yours 1443 AH) as well the video of the speech of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the Jeddah Summit for this year of yours (1443 AH), are both false and forged against the dead King Salman and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, as a result, bringing an end for the battle of acting is accomplished by a command from Allaah with the death of the good and dangerous actor; Prince Khalid bin Salman and the battle has been decided and the fabrication failed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In addition, Allaah made Khalid bin Salman taste the [ill] consequence of his deed and
    made them an example and a lesson for whoever opposes Allaah and His caliph Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad al-Yamani

    O family of Salman, what do you think of whom Allah is with? I assuredly swear by Allaah the Great, he cannot be overpowered by mankind and jinn so be pampered, O the caliph of the Most Merciful, before the One who appointed you as His caliph for Allaah, Glory be to Him, would never disgrace or humiliate you, as long as you did not forge a lie against Him that He made you His caliph on the whole world, thence know that Allah will surely accomplish His purpose, and never did He humiliate who is loyal to Him nor honor who took Him as an enemy, glory be to Allaah the Great; my Lord and your Lord

    O family of Salman bin Abdul Aziz and their allies in the worlds altogether, you are not equal to the plot of Allah, the Lord of the worlds so declare surrender, for you are not Allaah’s partners in His judgment in regards to choosing His caliph - Glory be to Him [Allaah] the Great, glorified and highly Exalted is He! Who is the one that is more powerful than Allaah, the Lord of the worlds, whom atheists deny Him?! So, let them stop Allah's cosmic and COVIDious [related to COVID] war

    And I had already taught you about the scientific reason behind Allaah’s cosmic war that affected mankind's earth, and that it is because of the approaching of Saqar— the Planet of torment— yet I hear those who do not reason say: “Climate disasters must be stopped” Oh, Glory be to Allah the Great! O community of decision makers, what might your ability be compared to the power of Allaah, the One, the Subduer?! Do you have a share in the heavens and the earth and its climate? Bring your proof if you are truthful
    And Allaah the Most High said

    قُلْ أَرَأَيْتُم مَّا تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ أَرُونِي مَاذَا خَلَقُوا مِنَ الْأَرْضِ أَمْ لَهُمْ شِرْكٌ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ ۖ ائْتُونِي بِكِتَابٍ مِّن قَبْلِ هَٰذَا أَوْ أَثَارَةٍ مِّنْ عِلْمٍ إِن كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ (4) وَمَنْ أَضَلُّ مِمَّن يَدْعُو مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ مَن لَّا يَسْتَجِيبُ لَهُ إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ وَهُمْ عَن دُعَائِهِمْ غَافِلُونَ (5) صدق الله العظيم
    [Al-Ahqaf 46] 4-5

    And Allah the Most High said

    قُلْ أَرَأَيْتُمْ شُرَكَاءَكُمُ الَّذِينَ تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ أَرُونِي مَاذَا خَلَقُوا مِنَ الْأَرْضِ أَمْ لَهُمْ شِرْكٌ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ أَمْ آتَيْنَاهُمْ كِتَابًا فَهُمْ عَلَىٰ بَيِّنَتٍ مِّنْهُ ۚ بَلْ إِن يَعِدُ الظَّالِمُونَ بَعْضُهُم بَعْضًا إِلَّا غُرُورًا (40) إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُمْسِكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ أَن تَزُولَا ۚ وَلَئِن زَالَتَا إِنْ أَمْسَكَهُمَا مِنْ أَحَدٍ مِّن بَعْدِهِ ۚ إِنَّهُ كَانَ حَلِيمًا غَفُورًا (41)‏ وَأَقْسَمُوا بِاللَّهِ جَهْدَ أَيْمَانِهِمْ لَئِن جَاءَهُمْ نَذِيرٌ لَّيَكُونُنَّ أَهْدَىٰ مِنْ إِحْدَى الْأُمَمِ ۖ فَلَمَّا جَاءَهُمْ نَذِيرٌ مَّا زَادَهُمْ إِلَّا نُفُورًا (42) اسْتِكْبَارًا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَمَكْرَ السَّيِّئِ ۚ وَلَا يَحِيقُ الْمَكْرُ السَّيِّئُ إِلَّا بِأَهْلِهِ ۚ فَهَلْ يَنظُرُونَ إِلَّا سُنَّتَ الْأَوَّلِينَ ۚ فَلَن تَجِدَ لِسُنَّتِ اللَّهِ تَبْدِيلًا ۖ وَلَن تَجِدَ لِسُنَّتِ اللَّهِ تَحْوِيلًا (43) أَوَلَمْ يَسِيرُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ فَيَنظُرُوا كَيْفَ كَانَ عَاقِبَةُ الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِمْ وَكَانُوا أَشَدَّ مِنْهُمْ قُوَّةً ۚ وَمَا كَانَ اللَّهُ لِيُعْجِزَهُ مِن شَيْءٍ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَلَا فِي الْأَرْضِ ۚ إِنَّهُ كَانَ عَلِيمًا قَدِيرًا (44) صدق الله العظيم
    40-44 [فاطر]
    [Fatir 35] 40-44

    How far have you crossed the red lines against Allah, the Lord of the worlds!
    As if you created yourselves, the heavens and earth, or the treasures of the mercy of my Lord are in your hands! Or as if you are in control! So, put a plan together and stop solar flares resulting in the so-called global warming; however, its cause is from the sky and not from the earth. Furthermore, move away from you the evil of planet Saqar which is approaching from the south side of the sun and earth, if you are truthful! And never did Allah’s caliph contradict a thing he wrote, whereas you do. How many times have you lied to your populations, forging lie after lie, whether about the reasons behind climate disasters, or corona war disasters? But the rulings of Allah’s caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammad al-Yamani are the truth which is being cleared to you through knowledge and logic upon actual reality, are is as firm as the firmness of mountains because it has been established upon knowledge in Allaah’s Book the Great Quran, tackling all scientific facts starting from the neutron star [one planet uniting the planets and heavens before the big bang], and planet Saqar which was the scientific cause for the explosion of the planet of the heavens and earth, in confirmation with the Word of Allaah the Most High
    أَوَلَمْ يَرَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَنَّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ كَانَتَا رَتْقًا فَفَتَقْنَاهُمَا ۖ وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ الْمَاءِ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ حَيٍّ ۖ أَفَلَا يُؤْمِنُونَ (30) وَجَعَلْنَا فِي الْأَرْضِ رَوَاسِيَ أَن تَمِيدَ بِهِمْ وَجَعَلْنَا فِيهَا وَجَعَلْنَا فِي الْأَرْضِ رَوَاسِيَ أَن تَمِيدَ بِهِمْ وَجَعَلْنَا فِيهَا فِجَاجًا سُبُلًا لَّعَلَّهُمْ يَهْتَدُونَ(31) وَجَعَلْنَا السَّمَاءَ سَقْفًا مَّحْفُوظًا ۖ وَهُمْ عَنْ آيَاتِهَا مُعْرِضُونَ (32) وَهُوَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ اللَّيْلَ وَالنَّهَارَ وَالشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ ۖ كُلٌّ فِي فَلَكٍ يَسْبَحُونَ (33)
    صدق الله العظيم
    [Al-Anbiya 21]

    How many times did I warn decision-makers in governments of mankind, to not turn away from Allaah? And declared disbelief in the theory of your global warming, the historical lie which highlights that it occurred because of carbon dioxide from factories of humans. But you lied and Allah cursed you for your disbelief and denial to Him the Most High, the Great, provided that you—climatologists— did not repent from turning people away from [believing] the call of the truth from your Lord. And I had issued a ruling to you with the truth that the cause of Allah’s cosmic war against whom He pleases from people of earth are the skirmishes of —Saqar— the Planet of torment. Besides, the sun flares up with enormous scorching volcanoes, resulting in low-pressure systems of pouring rain floods, as well as sea cyclones and firey whirlwinds that burn forests of the earth of mankind, then they transform into wind to blaze and move it [fire] towards your homes in an unusual way. To add, all that happens to the people of the earth from the disasters of Allah’s climate war is because of the approaching of —Saqar— the planet of torment from the south side of the sun and the earth, coming from the north pole; as a result, Allah increased the intensity of the skirmishes of the climate war because of the approach of the planet of torment, in line with the Word of Allah the Most High
    قُلْ جَاءَ الْحَقُّ وَمَا يُبْدِئُ الْبَاطِلُ وَمَا يُعِيدُ (49) قُلْ إِن ضَلَلْتُ فَإِنَّمَا أَضِلُّ عَلَىٰ نَفْسِي ۖ وَإِنِ اهْتَدَيْتُ فَبِمَا يُوحِي إِلَيَّ رَبِّي ۚ إِنَّهُ سَمِيعٌ قَرِيبٌ‏ (50) وَلَوْ تَرَىٰ إِذْ فَزِعُوا فَلَا فَوْتَ وَأُخِذُوا مِن مَّكَانٍ قَرِيبٍ (51) وَقَالُوا آمَنَّا بِهِ وَأَنَّىٰ لَهُمُ التَّنَاوُشُ مِن مَّكَانٍ بَعِيدٍ (52) وَقَدْ كَفَرُوا بِهِ مِن قَبْلُ ۖ وَيَقْذِفُونَ بِالْغَيْبِ مِن مَّكَانٍ بَعِيدٍ (53)‏ وَحِيلَ بَيْنَهُمْ وَبَيْنَ مَا يَشْتَهُونَ كَمَا فُعِلَ بِأَشْيَاعِهِم مِّن قَبْلُ ۚ إِنَّهُمْ كَانُوا فِي شَكٍّ مُّرِيبٍ (54) صدق الله العظيم
    49-54 [سبأ]
    [Saba 34] 49-54

    And whoever steals the knowledge of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad al-Yamani and does not attribute it to its owner, surely the COVID of death is on the lookout for him. Also whoever opposes Allah and His caliph, let him avert from himself a door of severe torment; that is COVID the firm plan of Allaah by which Allah knocked out into death King Salman, his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and the third reinforcement of whom I had promised you before the set forth lesson and example; that is the dangerous evil and the big criminal Prince Khalid bin Salman. I do not think wrongdoers will take a lesson, rather they will insist arrogantly like the Pharaoh of Egypt did when he saw the sea split before his eyes and his soldiers, and each split side was like a great mountain; and water was cohesive like a firmly joined structure, which looked like a wall in the sky on the right and left sides, and between these sides, there is a dry walkway in the sea for the Children of Israel to cross. Should not Pharaoh and his soldiers stop crossing to chase Moses and his people, and says I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and I bear witness that Allah’s messengers are Moses and Aaron, and I am from the Muslims [submitters] to the Lord of the worlds? But because of the arrogance of Pharaoh's family and their soldiers, neither did their hearing nor their eyes —at that time— avail them anything while they were watching the split sea before their eyes! How alike are tonight and last night in regards to whoever acts arrogantly towards Allah’s caliph al-Mahdi, Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, opposes me and fights my call, surely he opposed Allah Who selected me, so who is the one that is co-equal to Allah, the Severe in punishment

    In any case, I conclude this multi-subject clarifying-statement by condoling the family of Abdul Aziz in particular and the family of Saud in general for the death of King Salman, his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and Deputy Defence Minister Khalid bin Salman, and I command them to instate Prince Mutaib bin Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz as a King of the Arab Kingdom of Hejaz on the same borders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia secure it, its people and Islamic sanctities
    And O Mutaib bin Abdullah, if they obeyed the command, let all the princes of the kingdom’s regions remain on their emirates, for us to see who would Allaah's firm plan of COVID leave from among them, as for every session there is a different discussion. Moreover, whoever remains alive from the family of Salman and was not stricken down with the COVID of death, let no one touch them with harm; males or females, and we shall see who would the severe COVID of Allah leave from them, indeed their Lord knows best about them
    As for Prince Mohammed bin Salman; of the clinical death, you should put him in maximum security unless his body swelled and stunk of decay
    O family of Saud, if you do not carry out the order of Allah’s caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammad al-Yamani, of instating Prince Mutaib bin Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud as soon as possible, do not blame but yourselves as rapid deployment force, which is the police of COVID of the firm plan, is lurking in ambush for you
    O tribes of Najd and Al-Hejaz, maintain security and public tranquility and do not disturb the security of the Holy Land

    And I swear by (Allah) the Lord of the worlds, that whoever violates my command (Allah) the Lord of the worlds will strike him down by COVID His firm plan, as well as the wrongdoers who do not take a lesson and are arrogant towards Allah, whether they are in KSA, Yemen, or in the governments and populations of worlds. So I shall wait to see who would COVID leave to live from among Arab and non-Arab decision-makers the Arabs and the non-Arabs so let us not jump to conclusions as indeed Allaah knows best what is in the hearts of His servants towards His caliph and servant Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

    And whoever wishes from Allah the Truth to vindicate the truth as per Allah loves and pleases, glory be to Him, and not as per what his envious spiteful soul desires, let him know he is of the loyal servants of Allah, and no fear shall be for him nor he shall grieve. As for those who find in themselves any straitness and hatred towards Allah’s caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, then who is the one that hates Allah’s caliph Imam Mahdi but he whom Allaah hated?! Except for whoever repents and turns to his Lord to guide his heart and forgive his sin, surely know that Allah is Forgiver, Merciful, and the good end is for those who fear Him, and the earth is for Allah and will be inherited to His righteous servants. Indeed, this is an announcement for worshiping people; who worship Allah alone associating nothing with Him
    And I say what Allaah commands us to say

    رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحْمَةً ۚ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ (8) رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ جَامِعُ النَّاسِ لِيَوْمٍ لَّا رَيْبَ فِيهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُخْلِفُ الْمِيعَادَ (9) صدق الله العظيم
    8-9[آل عمران]
    [Aali-Imran 3] 8-9

    Peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds
    Allaah's caliph and servant; al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani


    اقتباس المشاركة 392331 من موضوع سِلسِلة بيانات فَيروس كورونا وسِرّه المَكنون ..

    - 48 -
    الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني
    23 - ذو الحجة - 1443 هـ
    22 - 07 - 2022 مـ
    10:36 صباحًا
    (بحسب التّقويم الرّسميّ لأمّ القرى)

    [لمتابعة رابط المشاركة الأصلية للبيان]

    مَصرَعُ المَلكِ وأُمَراءٍ آيةٌ كُبرى ..

    بِسم الله الواحد القهار..
    أيا مَعشَر البَشر، إنّ أيّ إنسانٍ يستطيع أن يَكذِبَ على أخيه الإنسان سواءً يتَّهمُه بالسّرقة أو يَفتري عليه أيّ زورٍ وبُهتانٍ، فقد لا يستطيع الإنسان أن يُفَنِّد زورَ أخيه الإنسان المُفتَري عليه كونه يحتاج إلى برهانِ تَبرئتِه، وكذلك المُتَّهَم بَريءٌ حتى تَثبُتَ إدانته بالبرهان القطعيِّ الدَّلالة إلا أن يَفتري الإنسان بإعلان مَوت أيّ إنسانٍ وهذا الإنسانُ لا يزال على قيد الحياة وحُرًّا طَليقًا، فأمّا هذه الكذبة فهي خيبَةٌ على صاحبها؛ فسُرعان ما ينفضِح صاحبها كون الإنسان الحَيّ حتمًا سوف يتكلّم فما أبسط كشف الكذب على الموت، كون الكذّاب تكشِفُ زيفَ كِذبته حياةُ الشّخص المُتكلِّم، كون الحيّ سوف يُكلِّم الناس ثم يَعلَم الناس أنّ فُلانًا كَذَّابٌ. ألا والله إنّها كانت مِن أفضل شِيَم وقِيَم العرب أنّهم يعتبرون الكذب مِن الصّفات المذمومة وعيب الشّوم على مَن يكذِب خصوصًا حين يكون في كِذبتِه أذى على أخيه الإنسان فقد احتمل بهتانًا وإثمًا عظيمًا عند ربّه تصديقًا لقول الله تعالى: {إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُؤْذُونَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ لَعَنَهُمُ اللَّهُ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ وَأَعَدَّ لَهُمْ عَذَابًا مُّهِينًا ‎﴿٥٧﴾‏ وَالَّذِينَ يُؤْذُونَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ بِغَيْرِ مَا اكْتَسَبُوا فَقَدِ احْتَمَلُوا بُهْتَانًا وَإِثْمًا مُّبِينًا ‎﴿٥٨﴾‏} صدق الله العظيم [الأحزاب].

    وما أكثر الكَذَّابين في العرب خاصّةً وفي العالم عامّةً في هذا الزمان وجعلوا له اسمًا آخر (سياسة وحِكمة)! فمن ثم نقول: لَبِئسَ السيّاسة سياستكم وبِئس الحِكمة حِكمَتكم بالكذب على شعوبكم وبِئس الصِّفة أن يكون الشّخص كذَّابًا في تعامله مع الآخرين يقول الكذب زورًا وبهتانًا على الآخرين بما لم يفعلوا أو لا يفي بقوله ولا يَفي بعهده ووعده.

    وربما يودّ أحد المُمتَرين أن يقول: "عَجبٌ أمرك يا ناصر محمد اليماني! فمَن يقرأ بيانك هذا فيظنّ أنك مِن أصدق الناس قيلًا وأهداهُم سبيلًا، ولكنّ كِذبتك بمصرع المَلك سلمان ووليّ عهده محمد بن سلمان، بل وعزَّزتَ بثالثٍ حسب زعمِك وهو الأمير (خالد بن سلمان)، فما خطبُك يا رجل وماذا دهاك؟! ويا رجل لَئِن قلنا أصابك جنونٌ ولكنّ مَن يتدبَّر بياناتك الأخرى في بيانك للقرآن العظيم فيَجد عقله يشهد أنّ الحقّ معك وأنّ الكذّاب هو مَن يُكَذِّب ببيانك للقرآن العظيم؛ فلا يقبل العقل أن يَصِفَك بالجنون إطلاقًا، ذلك لمَن أعطى بيانك تَدبُّر العقل فيجِد عقلَه ينصاعُ معك كون العقل بطبيعته مَنطقيًّا ينصاعُ مع الحقّ وما يتذكَّر إلَّا أولو الألباب، ويا ناصر محمد اليماني لقد تدبَّرتُ بيانك للقرآن العظيم وكنتُ قابَ قوسين أو أدنى مِن أن أُصَدِّق أنّك حقًّا خليفة الله المهديّ ولكن فتنة مصرع سلمان ومحمد بن سلمان بكوفيد الموت فلا فوت حسب زعمِك باءت بالفشل كونه ظهر المَلك سلمان في خطابِ الحجّ في تاريخ
    العاشر مِن ذي الحجّة في الشّهر الجاري عبر فيديو في القناة السعوديّة، وكذلك ظهر وليّ العهد السعوديّ بالصوت والصورة يُكَلِّم الناس تكليمًا في شاشة التلفزيون السّعوديّ في القِمّة الخليجيّة في تاريخ (السابع عشر مِن شهر ذي الحجّة في الشهر الجاري) وبحضور الرئيس الأمريكيّ (جوزيف بايدن) وبحضور تسعة رهطٍ مِن زعماء العرب؛ فهل تستخِفّ بعقولنا يا شيخ ناصر محمد اليماني؟! الله المستعان فقد كان فيك ظنٌّ حسنٌ والأمل الوحيد للأمة بعد أن ضاق خِناقها واستكملت حلقاتها، فكنّا نظنّك الفرج والمَخرج للجميع".

    فمِن ثمّ يردّ خليفة الله على العالم بأسرِه الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ وأقول: الله المستعان على ما تَصِفون، وإنّي خليفة الله المهديّ ذكيٌّ بإذن ربّي ولستُ غبيًّا كمِثل الأغبياء الذين صدّقوا أكبر كذبة تمثيليّةٍ في تاريخ البشريّة منذ أن خلق الله أبونا آدم؛ فأنا عامل حسابي لطريقة صدِّ المُستكبِرين على أوسع نطاقٍ وعلى مُستوى صُنّاع القرار في العَرَب والعَجَم، وأعلم أنّهم لا يستطيعون أن يقوموا بإحياء الملك سلمان ووليّ عهده محمد بن سلمان ليتكلّما في موضوعٍ حدثَ مِن بعد مصرع الملك سلمان ووليّ عهده محمد بن سلمان رغم أنّ هذا الموضوع الجديد الذي حدث مِن بعد موتهم هَزَّ العالم بل أصبَح حديث كافّة حكومات العالم وشعوبهم ألا وهو
    (حرب روسيا على أوكرانيا)، وبما أنّي أعلم أنّ الملك سلمان ووليّ عهده ما قَطّ نطقَت ألسنتهم في حياتهم بذكر حرب روسيا على أوكرانيا في أيّ فيديو منذ اكتشاف الإنسان عِلم التّلفاز بالصّوت والصّورة أو حتى في أقدم وسائل الإعلام (الراديو) ولذلك تجدوا أنّ ناصر محمد اليماني يجعل في كل بيانٍ في (سلسلة قصة تحدي آل سلمان)
    شرطًا أساسيًّا عليهم في أي فيديو جديدٍ للملك سلمان ووليّ عهده محمد بن سلمان أن يتكلَّما في موضوعٍ جديدٍ حدث مِن بعد تاريخ (03 - 02 - 2022 مـ) ألا وهو حدثُ (حرب روسيا على أوكرانيا) كونه أشهر حَدثٍ جديدٍ مِن بعد موت الملِك سلمان ووليّ عهده الذي أصبح حديث السّاحة العالميّة أجمعين وحديث حكومات العالمين وحديث شعوبهم، فجميعهم يتكلّمون عن قضيّة حرب روسيا على أوكرانيا غير اثنين ظهرا يتكلَّمان عن أزمة كورونا التي عصفَت باقتصاد العالَم! كما تكلم بذلك الملك سلمان عن كوارث المناخ إضافةً إلى تكلُّمه عن جائحة كورونا التي قال أنّها عصفَت باقتصاد العالم، ولم تجدوه يقول إضافةً إلى أزمة حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا وذلك كون حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا حدثت مِن بعد موت الملِك سلمان، وقبل موت الملِك سلمان فلا يعلمُ سلمان إلَّا بجائحة كورونا التي عصفت باقتصاد العالم وصِحَّتهم إضافةً إلى ذِكره لكوارث المناخ، وبما أنّ الملك سلمان لم تحدُث في عهده حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا ولذلك لم يذكرهم الملك سلمان في فيديو خطاب العاشر مِن ذي الحجة كونها تمّت فبركة ما ذكَره لسان الملِك سلمان مِن قبل؛ فتمّ تجميعه مِن فيديوهاتٍ شتّى إلَّا حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا فلم يجدوا له فيديو ذَكَر ذلك كون حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا لم تحدُث إلَّا مِن بعد موت الملك سلمان.

    وكذلك الكذبة الأكبر في تاريخ البشر منذ أن خلق الله آدم وحواء وهي ظهور وليّ العهد السعوديّ (محمد بن سلمان) في قمّة الخليج وبحضور الرئيس الأمريكيّ جو بايدن، كذلك تكلَّم محمد بن سلمان عن جائحة كورونا التي عصفَت باقتصاد العالم صحيًّا وماليًّا، وكذلك حرب اليمن والهُدنة، ولكنّ الموضوع الذي كان سبب الدعوة للانعقاد الطارئ لقمّة جدة وهو بسبب الحرب الروسيّة على أوكرانيا فتجدون محمد بن سلمان كأنه يعيش في كوكبٍ آخر فلا يعلم بالحدث العالميّ الجديد وهي حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا على الإطلاق! بل وجدتم أنّ الملك سلمان ووليّ عهده محمد بن سلمان فكأنّهم غائبين عن حديث السّاحة العالميّة (حرب روسيا على أوكرانيا)! وبما أنّي أعلم أنّ الموت غَيَّب الملك سلمان ومحمد بن سلمان قبل وقوع حَدَث حرب روسيا على أوكرانيا وعليه: فلا ولن يستطيع المُفبركون أن يأتوا بذكر حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا على لسان الملك سلمان ووليّ عهده محمد بن سلمان كون الملك ووليّ عهده ما قَطّ جابوا سيرة حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا بأيّ فيديو منذ أن خلقهم الله، إذًا فهنا يقفُ المُفبركون عاجزين كونهم لم يجدوا لهما فيديو أو حتى صوتًا في راديو تَكَلَّموا قَطّ عن حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا.

    وعليه أحكُم بالحَقِّ مِن غير ظلمٍ على أنّ فيديو خطاب الملك سلمان بتاريخ (عشرة ذي الحجّة لعامكم هذا 1443 هـ) وكذلك فيديو خطاب وليّ العهد محمد بن سلمان في قمّة جدة لعامكم هذا (1443 هـ) فيديوهان باطلان مُزوَّران على الأموات المَلِك سلمان ووليّ عهده محمد بن سلمان فمِن ثمّ تمّ حسم معركة التّمثيل بأمرٍ مِن عند الله بمصرع المُمثِّل الجَدير والخَطير الأمير (خالد بن سلمان)، وحُسِمَت المعركة وفَشِلت الفبركة في المملكة العربيّة السّعوديّة وأذاق الله خالد بن سلمان وبال أمره وجعلهم الله عِظةً وعِبرةً لمَن يُشاقِق الله وخليفته الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني.

    ويا آل سلمان فما ظنّكم بمَن كان الله معه؟ فوالله وتالله وبالله العظيم لا يغلبُه الإنس والجان؛ يعني تَدَلَّل يا خليفة الرّحمن بين يديّ مَن استخلفَك فلن يُخزيك ولن يذلَّك الله سبحانه، فما دُمتَ لم تفترِ على الله أنّه جعلك خليفة الله على العالم بأسرِه فاعلَم أنّ الله بالغ أمره فما ذلّ مَن والاه وما عزّ مَن عاداه سبحان الله العظيم رَبّي وربّكم.

    ويا آل سلمان بن عبد العزيز وأولياءهم في العالمين أجمعين فلستُم كُفوًا لمَكر الله ربّ العالمين، فأعلِنوا الاستسلام فلستُم شركاءً لله في حُكمه في اختيار خليفة الله؛ سبحان الله العظيم وتعالى علوًّا كبيرًا! فمن ذا الذي هو أشدّ قوةً مِن الله ربّ العالمين الذي يُلحد به المُلحدون؟! إذًا فليوقِفوا حرب الله الكونيّة والكورونيّة.

    وسبقَ وأن علّمناكم عن السبب العِلميّ لحرب الله الكونيّة التي أثَّرت على أرض البشر وأنه بسبب اقتراب كوكب العذاب (سَقَر)، وأسمعُ الذين لا يعقِلون يقولون: "يجب توقيف الكوارث المناخيّة عند حدِّها" ويا سبحان الله العظيم! فما عسى قدرتكم تكون يا معشر صناع القرار إلى قدرة الله الواحد القهار؟! فهل لكم شِركٌ في السماء والأرض ومُناخها؟! قل هاتوا برهانكم إن كنتم صادقين
    ، وقال الله تعالى: {قُلْ أَرَأَيْتُم مَّا تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ أَرُونِي مَاذَا خَلَقُوا مِنَ الْأَرْضِ أَمْ لَهُمْ شِرْكٌ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ ۖ ائْتُونِي بِكِتَابٍ مِّن قَبْلِ هَٰذَا أَوْ أَثَارَةٍ مِّنْ عِلْمٍ إِن كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ ‎﴿٤﴾‏ وَمَنْ أَضَلُّ مِمَّن يَدْعُو مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ مَن لَّا يَسْتَجِيبُ لَهُ إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ وَهُمْ عَن دُعَائِهِمْ غَافِلُونَ ‎﴿٥﴾‏} [الأحقاف].

    وقال الله تعالى: {قُلْ أَرَأَيْتُمْ شُرَكَاءَكُمُ الَّذِينَ تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ أَرُونِي مَاذَا خَلَقُوا مِنَ الْأَرْضِ أَمْ لَهُمْ شِرْكٌ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ أَمْ آتَيْنَاهُمْ كِتَابًا فَهُمْ عَلَىٰ بَيِّنَتٍ مِّنْهُ ۚ بَلْ إِن يَعِدُ الظَّالِمُونَ بَعْضُهُم بَعْضًا إِلَّا غُرُورًا ‎﴿٤٠﴾‏ ۞ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُمْسِكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ أَن تَزُولَا ۚ وَلَئِن زَالَتَا إِنْ أَمْسَكَهُمَا مِنْ أَحَدٍ مِّن بَعْدِهِ ۚ إِنَّهُ كَانَ حَلِيمًا غَفُورًا ‎﴿٤١﴾‏ وَأَقْسَمُوا بِاللَّهِ جَهْدَ أَيْمَانِهِمْ لَئِن جَاءَهُمْ نَذِيرٌ لَّيَكُونُنَّ أَهْدَىٰ مِنْ إِحْدَى الْأُمَمِ ۖ فَلَمَّا جَاءَهُمْ نَذِيرٌ مَّا زَادَهُمْ إِلَّا نُفُورًا ‎﴿٤٢﴾‏ اسْتِكْبَارًا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَمَكْرَ السَّيِّئِ ۚ وَلَا يَحِيقُ الْمَكْرُ السَّيِّئُ إِلَّا بِأَهْلِهِ ۚ فَهَلْ يَنظُرُونَ إِلَّا سُنَّتَ الْأَوَّلِينَ ۚ فَلَن تَجِدَ لِسُنَّتِ اللَّهِ تَبْدِيلًا ۖ وَلَن تَجِدَ لِسُنَّتِ اللَّهِ تَحْوِيلًا ‎﴿٤٣﴾‏ أَوَلَمْ يَسِيرُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ فَيَنظُرُوا كَيْفَ كَانَ عَاقِبَةُ الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِمْ وَكَانُوا أَشَدَّ مِنْهُمْ قُوَّةً ۚ وَمَا كَانَ اللَّهُ لِيُعْجِزَهُ مِن شَيْءٍ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَلَا فِي الْأَرْضِ ۚ إِنَّهُ كَانَ عَلِيمًا قَدِيرًا ‎﴿٤٤﴾‏} صدق الله العظيم [فاطر].

    فلكَم تجاوَزتم الخطوط الحمراء في حقّ الله ربّ العالمين فكأنَّكم مَن خلقتُم أنفسكم وكأنَّكم مَن خلقتُم السّماوات والأرض أو بأيديكم خزائن رحمة ربّي أو كأنَّكم أنتم المُسيطرون! إذًا فأجمِعوا أمرَكم وأوقفوا الانفجارات الشمسيّة فمنها سبب ما تسمّونه (الاحتباس الحراريّ) فسببه مِن السماء وليس مِن الأرض، واصرِفوا عنكم شرَّ كوكب سَقَر المُقترِب مِن جنوب الشمس والأرض إن كنتم صادقين، وما تناقضَ خليفة الله في شيءٍ ممّا كتبَ وأنتم تتناقضون، فلكَم كذَبتم على شعوبكم كذبةً وراء كذبة؛ سواءً في أسباب القوارع المناخيّة أو قوارع حرب كورونا، ولكنّ فتاوى خليفة الله المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ هي الحَقّ تتبيّن لكم بالعلم والمنطق على الواقع الحقيقيّ ثابتة ثبوتَ الجبال كونها تأسّست على علمٍ في كتاب الله القرآن العظيم في جميع الحقائق العلميّة بدءًا مِن كوكب الرَّتق وكوكب سقر الذي كان السّبب العلميّ لانفجار كوكب السماوات والأرض تصديقًا لقول الله تعالى: {أَوَلَمْ يَرَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَنَّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ كَانَتَا رَتْقًا فَفَتَقْنَاهُمَا ۖ وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ الْمَاءِ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ حَيٍّ ۖ أَفَلَا يُؤْمِنُونَ ‎﴿٣٠﴾‏ وَجَعَلْنَا فِي الْأَرْضِ رَوَاسِيَ أَن تَمِيدَ بِهِمْ وَجَعَلْنَا فِيهَا فِجَاجًا سُبُلًا لَّعَلَّهُمْ يَهْتَدُونَ ‎﴿٣١﴾‏ وَجَعَلْنَا السَّمَاءَ سَقْفًا مَّحْفُوظًا ۖ وَهُمْ عَنْ آيَاتِهَا مُعْرِضُونَ ‎﴿٣٢﴾‏ وَهُوَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ اللَّيْلَ وَالنَّهَارَ وَالشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ ۖ كُلٌّ فِي فَلَكٍ يَسْبَحُونَ ‎﴿٣٣﴾‏} صدق الله العظيم [الأنبياء].

    فلكم حذّرتُ صنّاع القرار في حكومات البشر أن لا تتّخذوا الله وراء ظهوركم وأعلَنت الكُفر المُطلَق بنظريّة احتباسكم الحراريّ - كذبةً تاريخيّةً - أنه بسبب ثاني أُكسيد كربون مصانِع البشر، وكذبتم ولعنكم الله بكُفركم وإلحادكم بالله العليّ العظيم إذا لم تتوبوا يا علماء المناخ عن صدِّكم عن دعوة الحقّ مِن ربكم، وأفتَيناكم بالحقّ أنّ سبب حرب الله الكونيّة على مَن يشاء مِن أهل الأرض أنها بسبب تناوش كوكب العذاب سَقَر، والشمس تفور بالبراكين التّنوريّة الكُبرى وسبّبت المُنخفَضات الجويّة بفيضانات الماء المُنهَمِر وتُسبّبُ أعاصير البحر وأعاصير فيها نارٌ تحرق غابات أرض البشر فمن ثم تتحول إلى ريحٍ لتسعيرها وتسييرها نحو دياركم بشكلٍ غير مألوفٍ، وكلّ ما يحدُث لأهل الأرض مِن قوارع حرب الله المناخيّة هو بسبب اقتراب كوكب العذاب سَقَر مِن جنوب الشمس والأرض آتٍ مِن الشمال القطبيّ؛ فرفَع الله تناوش الحَرب المناخيّة بسبب اقتراب كوكب العذاب تصديقًا لقول الله تعالى: {قُلْ جَاءَ الْحَقُّ وَمَا يُبْدِئُ الْبَاطِلُ وَمَا يُعِيدُ ‎﴿٤٩﴾‏ قُلْ إِن ضَلَلْتُ فَإِنَّمَا أَضِلُّ عَلَىٰ نَفْسِي ۖ وَإِنِ اهْتَدَيْتُ فَبِمَا يُوحِي إِلَيَّ رَبِّي ۚ إِنَّهُ سَمِيعٌ قَرِيبٌ ‎﴿٥٠﴾‏ وَلَوْ تَرَىٰ إِذْ فَزِعُوا فَلَا فَوْتَ وَأُخِذُوا مِن مَّكَانٍ قَرِيبٍ ‎﴿٥١﴾‏ وَقَالُوا آمَنَّا بِهِ وَأَنَّىٰ لَهُمُ التَّنَاوُشُ مِن مَّكَانٍ بَعِيدٍ ‎﴿٥٢﴾‏ وَقَدْ كَفَرُوا بِهِ مِن قَبْلُ ۖ وَيَقْذِفُونَ بِالْغَيْبِ مِن مَّكَانٍ بَعِيدٍ ‎﴿٥٣﴾‏ وَحِيلَ بَيْنَهُمْ وَبَيْنَ مَا يَشْتَهُونَ كَمَا فُعِلَ بِأَشْيَاعِهِم مِّن قَبْلُ ۚ إِنَّهُمْ كَانُوا فِي شَكٍّ مُّرِيبٍ ‎﴿٥٤﴾‏} صدق الله العظيم [سبأ].

    ومَن يَستَرقُ مِن علوم الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ ولم ينسِبها لصاحبها فإنّ كوفيد الموت له لبالمرصاد، ومَن يُشاقِق الله وخليفته فليصرف عنه بابًا ذا عذابٍ شديدٍ (كوفيد مِن الله متينٍ) كمثل الذي صرعَ الله به الملك سلمان ووليّ عهده محمد بن سلمان والتّعزيز الثالث الذي وعدناكم به مِن قبل للعِظة والعِبرة؛ ذلكم الشّرير الخطير والمُجرِم الكَبير الأمير (خالد بن سلمان) ولا أظن المُجرمين يعتبرون بل سوف يُصرّون مُستكبرين كما استكبر فرعون مصر الذي شاهد البَحر انفلق أمام عينيه وجنوده وكان كُلُّ فِرقٍ كالطّود العظيم؛ ماء ماسِك كالبنيان المَرصوص وكأنه جدارٌ في السماء عن اليمين والشمال وبينهم طريقٌ في البحر يبَسًا لعبور بني إسرائيل، أليس مِن المفروض أن يتوقّف فرعون وجنوده عن العبور لِمُطاردة موسى وقومه فيقول أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أنّ رسل الله موسى وهارون وأنا مِن المسلمين لربّ العالمين؟ ولكن بسبب استكبار آل فرعون وجنودهم فلم يُغنِ حينها سَمعهم ولا أبصارهم وهم يشاهدون البحر المُنفَلِق أمام أعينهم! وما أشبه اليوم بالبارحة في شأن كلّ مَن يَستكبرُ على خليفة الله المهديّ ناصر محمد اليماني أو يُشاقِّني ويحاربُ دعوتي؛ فقد شاقّ الله الذي اصطفاني، فمن ذا الذي هو كُفوًا لله شديد العقاب؟!

    وعلى كلّ حالٍ نَختِم هذا البيان المُتعَدِّد المواضيع بتعزية آل عبد العزيز خاصةً وآل سعود عامّةً بمصرع الملك سلمان ووليّ عهده محمد بن سلمان ومصرع نائب وزير الدّفاع خالد بن سلمان ونأمرهم بتنصيب الأمير (متعب بن عبد الله بن عبد العزيز) مَلِكًا على مملكة الحجاز العربيّة على نفس حدود المملكة العربيّة السعوديّة لحماية أمن المَملكة وشعبها والمُقَدَّسات الإسلاميّة.

    ويا متعب بن عبد الله، لئن أطاعوا الأمر فلتُبقِ كافّة أمراء مناطِق المملكة على إماراتهم لكي ننظر ما يُبقي كوفيد الله المتين منهم فَلِكُلِّ حادثٍ حديث، ومَن تبَقَّى مِن آل سلمان حَيًّا ولم يَصرعه كوفيد الموت فلا يمسّهم أحدٌ بسوءٍ سواءً الذّكور أو الإناث، ولسوفَ ننظر ما يُبقى كوفيد الله الشّديد مِنهم فربّهم أعلم بهم.

    وبالنسبة للأمير محمد بن سلمان صاحب المَوت السّريري فلتجعل عليه حراسةً مُشَدَّدةً ما لم يتورّم وينتَن جسده.

    ويا آل سعود إذا لم تُنَفِّذوا أمر خليفة الله المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ بتعجيل تنصيب الأمير (متعب بن عبد الله بن عبد العزيز آل سعود) عاجِلًا غير آجلٍ فلا تلوموا إلَّا أنفسكم؛ فإنّ قوّات التّدخل السّريع - شُرطة كوفيد ذات الكيد المتين - لَكُم لبالمرصاد.

    ويا معشر قبائل نجدٍ والحجاز، فاِلتَزموا بالأمْن والسّكينة العامّة ولا تُخِلُّوا بأمْن الأرض المُقدَّسة.

    وأقسم بربّ العالمين أنّ مَن يُخالِف أمري لَيَصرَعه ربّ العالمين بكوفيد كيده المَتين كما سوف يصرعُ المُجرمين الذين لا يعتَبرون وعلى أمر الله يستكبرون سواءً يكونوا في السعوديّة أو في اليمن أو في حكومات وشعوب العالمين، وسوف ننظر ما يُبقي مِن صنّاع القرار في العَرَب والعَجَم فلكلّ حادثٍ حديثٍ فهو أعلم بما في قلوب عبيده نحو خليفة الله وعبده الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ، فمن تمنَّى أن
    يحقّ الله الحقّ كما يُحبُّ الله ويرضى هو سبحانه وليس كما تهواه نفسه الحَسود الحَقود فهو مِن أولياء الله لا خوفٌ عليهم ولا هم يحزنون، وأمّا الذين يجدون في أنفسهم حَرَجًا وكُرهًا لخليفة الله المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ؛ فمن ذا الذي يكره خليفة الله الإمام المهديّ إلَّا مَن كَرهَه الله؟! إلَّا مَن تاب وأناب إلى ربّه ليهديَ قلبه ويغفر ذنبه فاعلموا أنّ الله غفورٌ رحيمٌ وأنَّ العاقبة للمُتّقين وأنّ الأرض لله يورثها عباده الصالحين وأنّ في هذا لبلاغٌ لقومٍ عابدين؛ يعبدون الله وحده لا يُشرِكون به شيئًا.

    ونقول ما أمرَنا الله أن نقول: {رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحْمَةً ۚ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ ‎﴿٨﴾‏ رَبَّنَا إِنَّكَ جَامِعُ النَّاسِ لِيَوْمٍ لَّا رَيْبَ فِيهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُخْلِفُ الْمِيعَادَ ‎﴿٩﴾‏} صدق الله العظيم [آل عمران].

    وسَلامٌ على المُرسَلين والحمد لله ربّ العالَمين..
    خليفةُ الله وعبدُه المهدي؛ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ.

    اضغط هنا لقراءة البيان المقتبس..

  6. افتراضي

    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

    26 - Dhul Hijjah -1443 AH
    25 - 07 - 2022 AD
    08:12 am
    (According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

    Fabrications in Saudi Arabia have Ended...

    In the name of Allah All-Merciful Ar-Rahmaan (the Most Gracious), the Most Merciful

    Stay where you are, you and your associates, and go back to making silent videos, to which I surely give no weight, nor shall I react except to the videos with the audio and image of King Salman and Mohammed bin Salman; such as the fabricated Hajj video of King Salman and the Gulf Summit broadcast in video and audio for viewers, also like the Gulf Summit video of the failed fabricated speech of the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman due to the non-existence of a clip of the King and his Crown Prince addressing the war of Russia and the Ukraine

    As a result, fabrications have failed. And they are still suffering from this dilemma because fabrications must be made using the voice of the King or his Crown Prince in a way that leaves no room for them to be doubted or discovered by specialists in [digital video] forgery technique. Therefore, they will not be able to fabricate the audio and video once again, because the world will find it void of mentioning the war between Russia and the Ukraine, which is one of the most important topics in the whole world. Accordingly, they did not find any video to extract the news from. Indeed, this is a dilemma! For certainly, King Salman and his Crown Prince did not know the unseen about the war between Russia and the Ukraine so that they would speak about it previously on a live and audio-visual video to be weaponised, if existed, for fabricators. As for the acting of the masked ones, it has to be silent because their voice would expose them

    O my beloved ones in Allaah's love, do not argue with others about the silent acting performances seen by viewers in the world, because the charades of the masked actors are easy to be performed. After all, the mask is a duplicationin the eyes of the viewer. But if there is an impersonator, surely the voice wouldexpose him. And yes, they can match the voice of the real person to the masked impersonator like in dubbed episodes (with voice synchronization), but I am putting them into a tight corner through an incident which has never occurred in the history of the life of King Salman and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman; which is the war between Russia and the Ukraine. They have never spoken about such a topic ever in their life and here lies the dilemma although it [war] is the first global event to occur, in February, just a few days after their death. The war between Russia and the Ukraine is the first historical event that immediately took place a few days after their death, by a predestined decree in the Book Inscribed, to be an irrefutable argument against the fabricators because they would never find a video of neither the King or his Crown Prince where their tongues mentioned the subject of Russia and the Ukraine’s war. That is why you find me [your Imam] imposing in every statement a prerequisite in regards to the new video of King Salman and his Crown Prince: to address the war between Russia and the Ukraine

    And the question is: How would I know that the videos of both; the King at Hajj, and his Crown prince Mohammed bin Salman on the day of the Gulf Summit, will inevitably be without mentioning the war between Russia and the Ukraine, therefore I set the challenge in each statement of mine, which is that any new announcement that will be made by the King and his Crown Prince after the date of announcing their death will lack speaking about the issue of the war between Russia and the Ukraine? Unless it is because I know that Allah has brought them death before that

    So do not tell me that montage and artificial intelligence can do that; therefore making the King and His crown prince address the topic of the war between Russia and Ukraine. Then I hold the argument against you and say: They cannot do so even if they combined all their forces, and I know and I am aware of what I say. As for anything other than this topic, they can bring it from many private meetings that are documented by filming videos of themselves which they do not upload to the internet, and how numerous they are

    Surely, there are many videos in the Shura Council and elsewhere. [I mention this] because I see you searching for a clip for the fabrication on the internet, but you will come up with frail arguments or a word that is unconvincing for any sane human, the logic is what Allah’s caliph Al-Mahdi challenges [them] with, reflected in speaking about a new topic that occurred after their death and did not occur before in the history of the lives of King Salman and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman; on the condition that the topic must be new and important, and hence they would inevitably address it if they were still alive

    For instance, the war between Russia and the Ukraine is a new topic that has never happened during the life of both the King and his Crown Prince, but it was in the knowledge of the unseen. So how would they address it while it had been in the knowledge of the unseen until after their death?! So the war occurred immediately (after their death) and became the irrefutable argument against the fabricators because they would never find a video of the King and his Crown Prince talking about Russia and the Ukraine’s war, neither in the publicly shared videos or in the hidden videos of private meetings

    It is impossible for them to find videos about this topic throughout the life of King Salman and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman so they bring it from among other audio-visuals in which they have previously spoken in public videos or private meetings. But they do not resort to using a public clip unless they do not find a video among other videos in private meetings

    Most of the talks about topics are extensively discussed in private meetings, where they document them for themselves and do not broadcast them. If they were to find a video, no matter how private it is, whereby the King or his Crown Prince mentioned the war between Russia and the Ukraine, they would not delay putting it either in the speech of King Salman on the tenth of Dhul-Hijjah 1443AH, or in that of the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, at the Gulf Summit. Certainly, the two videos of the King and his Crown Prince are real and they are undoubtedly spoken by them, but they had been gathered to seem as if they were delivered in one speech

    This is called a fabrication of a live audio and video of the same person. In fact, they can come up with many topics, with the video and audio of the King and his Crown Prince, that you will not find previously broadcast on the worldwide internet, because they were made in unannounced private meetings, apart from a topic in a video where King Salman and his Crown Prince address the war between Russia and the Ukraine

    Certainly, they will never find these videos even if they use all the artificial intelligence in the whole world, by permission of Allaah. For that, I do not think that they will bring a new video of the King and his Crown Prince in live audio and video, as it would never benefit them in anything, as long it lacks the topic of the challenge which is: King Salman or his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman speaking about the war of Russia and the Ukraine, which is a dilemma

    I would never give up this challenge at all, no matter how many fabricated videos they bring, they will fail until they bring a video of King Salman or his Crown Prince talking about the war of Russia and Ukraine. So let them bring it if they can, except in one case; that they restore the soul of King Salman or wake up Muhammed bin Salman from the coma of clinical death, then tell them how long they remained dead, and tell them about the event of the war between Russia and the Ukraine. Otherwise, an honest press conference, directly with audio and video would suffice, so they would talk about the war of Russia and the Ukraine

    Indeed, the condition will remain in its place because the word “live” as a lie on the screen is not hard for them, but a live and honest press conference is very difficult, because journalists will ask him about the subject of the war between Russia and the Ukraine and about the Kingdom’s position on this and seeking mediation to stop the war because they are friends of both parties. But such a reconciliation definitely needs a public appearance of Muhammed bin Salman. No way, no way (would this ever happen). By Allah, he would not appear in a televised interview about this matter

    In fact, videos of (them) with audio have ended for the worlds, and the fabrication has ended in the Kingdom. As for the silent acting episodes, they are silent, and we do not care about their news. Verily they use them to camouflage the death of the King and his Crown Prince Muhammed and the Deputy Minister of Defense, Khalid bin Salman, away from the people. So let them overcome this challenge of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yemeni with: The public appearance of King Salman or his Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman or the Deputy Defense Minister, Khalid bin Salman

    As for the silent acting-episodes, we certainly do not give weight to them, their existence is as their absence, for the fact that they are silent. In fact, even if Muhammed bin Salman and his father are visited by all the leaders of the world, the actors would not dare to appear with one of the leaders in a press conference, as when the actor refused to appear in a press conference with President Joe Biden.

    And you watched the American President appearing alone in a press conference in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Surely they could not overcome the challenge with the truth which we mentioned in all our true challenges in the series of ‘the death story of Salman and his Crown Prince’, https://albushra-islamia.org/showthread.php?t=44282
    and you did not find a mention of Russia and the Ukraine war nor did you find that the actor dared to appear with the American President Joe Biden in the live press conference, that is because the actor’s voice would expose him.

    Indeed, the truth came under light about the fact of challenges of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, and no voice gets higher above the voice of the Truth

    Peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds
    Allah’s khalifa and His servant; the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni


    اقتباس المشاركة 392779 من موضوع انتَهَتِ الفَبْرَكةُ بالمَملَكة ..

    الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ
    26 - ذو الحجة - 1443 هـ
    25 - 07 - 2022 مـ
    08:12 صباحًا
    (بحسب التّقويم الرّسميّ لأمّ القُرى)

    [ لمتابعة رابط المشاركة الأصلية للبيان ]

    انتَهَتِ الفَبْرَكةُ بالمَملَكة ..

    بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ..
    مكانَكم أنتُم وشركاؤكم للعودة للفيديوهات الصَّامِت
    ة؛ فتلك لا نقيم لها وزنًا ولا نردّ إلَّا على الفيديوهات بالصّوت والصّورة للمَلِك سَلمان ومحمد بن سلمان؛ كمثل فيديو الحجّ المُفبرَك للمَلِك سلمان وفيديو القِمَّة ذي الصّوت والصّورة المَسموع للمشاهدين، وكمثل فيديو القِمَّةِ لخطابِ وليّ العهد محمد بن سلمان - المُفبرَك الفَاشِل - بسبب عدم وجودِ مقطعٍ للملكِ ووليِّ عهده يتكلمان عن حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا.

    ففشلتِ الفبركةُ، فلا يزالون يعانون من هذه المُعضِلة كون الفَبركة لازم تكون بصوتِ الملك أو وليِّ عهده بشكلٍ لا يَدَع مجالًا للشكّ فيه أو يَتمّ اكتشافه مِن قبلِ المُتَخَصِّصين في تقنية التّزوير، ولذلك لن يستطيعوا فبركةَ الصّوتِ والصّورةِ مرَّةً أخرى، كون العالَم سوف يجدها كذلك خاليةً عن التحدُّث عن حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا وهي مِن أهَمّ المواضيعِ في العالم بأسرِه، فلم يجدوا لها فيديو ليقتطفوا مِنه الخَبَر؛ فهذه مُعضلةٌ، فلم يعلم الغيبَ الملكُ سلمان ووليُّ عهده عن حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا حتى يتكلَّموا في شأنها في فيديو صوتًا وصورةً حَيَّةً مِن قَبْل لتكون سِلاحًا لأصحاب الفبرَكة لو وُجِدَتْ، وأمَّا التّمثيل للمُقَنَّعين فلا بُد أن يكون صامِتًا كَون المُقَنَّع يكشفه الصَّوت.

    ويا أحبتي في الله، لا تُحاجُّوا في التّمثيل الصّامتِ عن المشاهدين في العالمين، كون تمثيليّة المُقَنَّعين سهلة، كون القِناع نُسخة طِبق الأصل للمُشاهِد، ولكن إذا كان مُنتَحِلًا فالصَّوت يفضحه، ونعم يستطيعون فبركة صَوت الشخص الحقيقيِّ على المُقَنَّع كمثل الحلقات المُدبلَجة، ولكنّي ماسِكْهُم بموضوعٍ لم يحدث في تاريخ حياة المَلِكِ سلمان ووليِّ عهده محمد بن سلمان؛ تِلكُم حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا، فلم ينطقوا في موضوعها قَطّ في حياتهم، فهُنا المُعضِلة برغم أنّها أوِّل حَدَثٍ عالميٍّ من بعد مصرعهم بأيامٍ معدودةٍ؛ بل حدثت في شهر فبراير؛ بل حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا هي أول حدثٍ تاريخيٍّ من بعد موتهم مباشرةً بأيامٍ معدودةٍ بقدرٍ مقدورٍ في الكتاب المَسطور لتكون حُجَّةً دامغةً على المُفبركين كونهم لن يجدوا فيديو لا للملك ولا وليّ عهده نَطقتْ ألسنتُهم في موضوع حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا، ولذلك تجدوا إمامكم يذكُر في كل بيانٍ شَرطًا أساسيًّا على الفيديو الجديد للملك سلمان ووليّ عهده أن يتكلموا عن حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا.

    والسؤال الذي يطرح نفسه: فما يُدريني أنّ الفيديوهَين للمَلِك في الحَجِّ ووليّ عهده محمد بن سلمان في يوم القِمَّة حَتمًا سوف يكونان خالِيَيْنِ من ذِكْر حَربِ روسيا وأوكرانيا حتى أضعَ التحدّي في كلِّ بيان بأنَّ أيّ بيانٍ جديدٍ للمَلكِ ووليِ عهده من بعد تاريخ إعلان مَصرعهم حَتمًا سوف يكون خاليًا من التكلُّم في موضوع حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا إلَّا لأني أعلم أن الله صرعهم قبل ذلك؟ فلا تقولوا لي أن المونتاج والذَّكاء الاصطناعيّ يستطيعان فعل ذلك فيجعلان الملك ووليّ عهده يتكلمان في موضوع حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا، فمن ثمّ أقيم عليكم الحُجّة وأقول: إنّهم لا يستطيعون ولو اجتمعوا له
    ، وأعلمُ وأعي ما أقول، وأمّا غير ذلك فهم يستطيعون إحضاره من اللقاءت الخاصّة، والاجتماعات الخاصّة كثيرة وموثَّقَة بتصوير الفيديوهات لأنفسهم ولا يقومون بتنزيلها في الإنترنت، وما أكثرها، ويوجد كثيرٌ منها في مجلس الشورى وغيره كثير، كوني أراكم تبحثون عن مقطعٍ للفبرَكة في الإنترنت فتأتون بحُجَجٍ واهيةٍ أو كلمةٍ غير مُقنِعةٍ لأيّ إنسانٍ عاقلٍ، بل العقل هو ما يتحدّى به خليفة الله المهديّ عن التكلّم في موضوعٍ جديدٍ حدث من بعد موتهم ولم يحدث من قبل في تاريخ حياة المَلِك سلمان ووليّ عهده محمد بن سلمان بشرط: أنّ يكون هذا الموضوع جديدًا ومهمًّا وحتميًّا يتكلّمون عنه لو كانوا أحياءً يُرزَقون، كمثل حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا، فذلك موضوعٌ جديدٌ لم يحدُث في تاريخ حياة المَلِك ووليّ عهده؛ بل في عِلم الغيب، فكيف يتكلمون به وهو لا يزال في عِلم الغيب إلى بعد موتهم؟! فحدَث مباشرةً ليكون الحُجّة الدّامغة على المُفبرِكين كونهم لن يجدوا فيديو للمَلِك ووليّ عهده يتكلَّمان عن حَرب روسيا وأوكرانيا لا في الفيديوهات العامَّة المُعلَنة ولا الفيديوهات المُخَبَّأة في الاجتماعات الخاصّة؛ لا ولن يجدوا فيديو عن هذا طيلة حياة المَلِك سلمان وولي عهده محمد سلمان فيأتوا به بين فيديوهات صوتٍ وصورةٍ سَبَقَ أن تكلَّموا فيها في الفيديوهات العامَّة أو الاجتماعات الخاصّة، ولكنّهم لا يَلجأون لمقطعٍ في العامة إلَّا إذا لم يجدوا فيديو في الاجتماعات الخاصّة؛ بل أكثر الكلام في المواضيع بشكلٍ مُستَفيضٍ هو في الاجتماعات الخاصّة، فهي موَثَّقَةٌ لأنفسهم وغيرُ مُعلنة، فلو وجدوا هناك فيديو - مهما كان خاصًّا - ذكرَ فيه الملكُ أو وليُّ عهده حربَ روسيا وأوكرانيا إذًا لَما تأخروا في وضعه في الخطاب للمَلِك سلمان في عشرة ذي الحجة أو لوليِّ العهد السّعوديّ محمد بن سلمان في القِمَّة الخَليجيّة، كون الفيديوهين حقيقييّنِ للملكِ ووليِّ عهده؛ بل خطابان بألسنتهم لا شَكَّ ولا ريب، وإنّما تمّ تجميعهم ليَكونا وكأنّهم أُلقيا في خطابٍ واحدٍ، فهذه اسمها فبركةٌٌ للشّخصِ نفسه صوتًا وصورةً حيَّةً؛ بل يستطيعوا أن يأتوا بمواضيعٍَ كثيرةٍ صوتًا وصورةً للمَلِك ووليّ عهده لن تجدوها منشورةً مِن قَبل في الإنترنت العالميّة كونها قيلت في الاجتماعات الخاصَّة غير المُعلنةِ إلَّا حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا يتكلَّمان عنها المَلِك سلمان ووليّ عهده فهذه لن يجدوها وحتى ولو استعانوا بكافّة الذكاء الاصطناعيّ في العالم بأسرِه؛ فلن يستطيعوا بإذن الله، ولذلك لا أظنّهم سوف يأتون بفيديو جديدٍ للملكِ ووليِّ عهده صوتًا وصورةً حيَّةً، فلن ينفعهم ذلك بشيءٍ ما دام خاليًا من موضوع التحدّي وهو: تَكَلُّم الملكِ سلمان أو وليِّ عهده محمد بن سلمان عن حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا فهنا المُعضِلة.

    ولن أتنازلَ عن هذا التحدّي إطلاقًا فمَهما أحضروا من الفيديوهاتِ المُفبرَكةِ فسوف تبوءُ بالفشل حتى يأتوا بفيديو للمَلِكِ سلمان أو وليِّ عهده يتكلّم عن حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا؛ فليأتوا به إن استطاعوا إلَّا في حالةٍ واحدةٍ: أن يعيدوا روحَ الملك سلمان أو يُفيقوا محمد بن سلمان من غيبوبةِ الموتِ السّريري فَمِن ثمّ يخبروهما كَم لَبِثا في الموت، ويخبروهم بحدثِ حربِ روسيا وأوكرانيا أو مؤتمرٍ صُحفيٍ صادقٍ مباشرٍ بالصّوت والصّورة الحيّة فيتكلّمون عن حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا. فالشرط سوف يظلُّ مكانه نظرًا لأنّها لا تُعجِزهم كلمة (مُباشِر) كَذبًا على الشّاشة، ولكنّ المُؤتمر الصُّحفي المُباشِر الصّادق صعبٌ جدًا كون الصّحفيّين سوف يسألوه عن موضوعِ حربِ روسيا وأوكرانيا وموقفِ المملكةِ من ذلك والسّعي للوساطة لتوقيفِ الحرب كونهم أصدقاءً للطّرفين، ولكنّ هذا الصُّلح يريدُ حتمًا ظهورًا علنيًّا لوليّ العهد السّعوديّ محمد بن سلمان، هيهات هيهات، فوالله لا يَظهرُ في لقاءٍ تلفزيونيٍّ في هذا الشّأن.

    بل انتهتِ الفيديوهاتُ ذاتُ الصوتِ والصورةِ المسموعة للعالمين، وانتهتِ الفبركةُ في المملكة، وأمّا التّمثيليّات الصَّامتةُ فهي صامتةٌ فلا يهمّنا أخبارها فهم يستخدمونها لتمويه الناس عن موت الملك ووليّ عهده محمد ونائب وزير الدفاع خالد بن سلمان، فليكسَروا التحدّي للإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ: ظهور الملك سلمان أو وليّ عهده محمد بن سلمان أو نائب وزير الدفاع خالد بن سلمان.

    وأمّا التّمثيليّاتُ الصّامتةُ فلا نقيم لها وزنًا فوُجودُها كعدمها كونها صامتةً؛ بل لو زار محمد بن سلمان وأبوه كافّة زعماء العالم لما تجرَّأ المُمَثِّلُ أن يظهرَ مع أحدهم في مُؤتمرٍ صُحفيٍّ كما رفض الممثّلُ أن يظهرَ في مؤتمرٍ صُحفيٍّ مع الرئيس جو بايدن، وشاهدتم الرئيس الأمريكيّ يظهرُ في مُؤتمرٍ صُحُفيٍ لوحده في المملكة العربيّة السّعوديّة، فلم يستطيعوا كسرَ التّحدّي بالحقّ الذي ذكرنا في كلّ تحدّيات الحقّ في:
    (سلسلة قصّة وفاةِ سلمان ووليِّ عهده)

    فلم تجدوا ذِكر حرب روسيا وأوكرانيا ولم تجدوا أنّ المُمثّلَ تجرَّأ للظّهور مع الرئيس الأمريكيّ جو بايدن في المؤتمر الصّحفيّ المباشر؛ وذلك كون المُمثّل يفضحه صوته

    وحَصحصَ الحقُّ في حقيقة تحدّيات الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ، ولا صوتَ يعلو على صوتِ الحقّ.

    وسلامٌ على المُرسَلين والحمدُ لله ربّ العالمين..
    خليفةُ الله وعبدُه الإمامُ المهديّ؛ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ.
    اضغط هنا لقراءة البيان المقتبس..

    الرابط: https://albushra-islamia.org/showthread.php?p=392922

  7. افتراضي Imam Mahdi’s Response to the Liar Arab Journalist Mohammed al-Rubea, and those who Incited him to Throw Himself into the Ash Heap of History..


    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

    27- Rabi’ al-Awwal - 1444 AH
    23 - October - 2022 AD
    10:03 PM
    (According to the official Time of (Mecca) Mother of Towns)

    Imam Mahdi’s Response to the Liar Arab Journalist Mohammed al-Rubea, and those who Incited him to Throw Himself into the Ash Heap of History..

    In the name of Allaah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Prayers of forgiveness and peace be upon the seal of the Prophets and Messengers, Mohammed the messenger of Allaah. And upon all the righteous Muslims who do not seek superiority on Earth or spread corruption, and the good end is for the pious. All praise is due to Allaah, Lord of the worlds

    The truth has come to light. And I know that Al Salman will come to a dead end in the live summits of all Arab leaders. Each president or King should throw a live speech wherein they address the new topics of the Arab summits concerning the international arena. Speeches, unlike the fabricated agreed-upon at the Jeddah summit conference. Except for Biden who did not know he was speaking to an impersonator of Prince Mohammed bin Salman. And he (the impersonator) will not be debunked except through a press conference. Consequently, you did not see the Salmanian¹ Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman appearing alongside US president Joseph Biden although the press conference was held by the latter from inside the city of Jeddah in KSA. Having said that, what are they going to do at the conference of the Arab summit in Algeria? They know good and well that throwing a live speech, in video and audio at the Arab summit, cannot be helped. A speech in which he addresses the war between Russia and Ukraine. There is no room for fabrication, and neither the impersonator of King Salman nor of his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman can throw a new speech in which they discuss Russia’s war on Ukraine for it is a new topic. I dare them fabricate the video as the masked impersonators of King Salman and his crown prince underestimate the minds of people. Those fabricators are Abdul Aziz bin Salman, Saud bin Salman, and the other sons of King Salman who are half-brothers of Mohammed and Khalid. They took over the Kingdom and are running it by issuing orders under the name of the King and his Crown Prince, as Khalid bin Salman used to do after their death until the time for his own death came right before the Jeddah summit. He met the same fate as his father and brother and was knocked down to death by the COVID of no escape from death. They also took hold of KSA where they reign and issue orders in the name of the King and his Crown Prince as Khalid bin Salman used to do after the death of his father and Mohammed bin Salman until he met his death shortly before the Jeddah summit. He was stricken with the COVID of no escape from death like his father and brother (MBS). Likewise, Abdul Aziz bin Salman and all his other siblings are in the grip of US president Donald Trump. He is the one who guaranteed them the Salmanian Kingdom after ousting the family of Saud and usurping the reign on the condition that they sell al-Aqsa mosque. Trump ensured their protection even if he was not in power, he would protect them through his allies from the members of the Republican Party in the White House, for those Republicans and any ally of Trump are rebellious devils and enemies of Allaah, the Qur'an, and Islam. And their approach is the same of Trump’s which is the same as Iblis’ (enemy of Allaah, His messengers, and Islam, His religion). How is it that many Arab Leaders want the return of Donald Trump to the throne of America despite knowing that he declared war against Islam, the Book of Allaah, and Allaah’s sanctities?! Let everyone know that the Kingdom of Salman’s family and their followers among the Arabs do not support Russia or America. The Salmanian Kingdom supports the former American President and the evilest Donald Trump against the current President the humanitarian Joe Biden. They want to dethrone him so that Donald Trump takes the throne of the USA. Despite knowing for certainty that Donald Trump declared enmity and hatred toward Allaah’s religion (Islam) and Book (the Great Quran). May Allaah’s curse befall the wrongdoing enemies of (Allaah) Lord of the worlds in general wherever they are among the Arabs and non-Arabs. O Donald Trump, the devil, I swear by Allaah the Great that you will surely die in your rage along with whoever is of your like among human devils in non-Arabs and Arabs
    ¹ relating to the family of Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud

    Concerning King Salman and the evil ones among his sons, they reached a dead end because lies have short legs. And I told you before that alive ones will inevitably address new topics. The problem does not revolve around the death of King Salman because he is a useless aged man. However, the problem is the death of the strong and young Prince Mohammed bin Salman and his brother Khalid bin Salman. The Arab League Summit in audio and video in Algeria is happening soon, in addition to new inevitable speeches on new topics concerning the international arena. That is why the (Saudi) Royal Court announced the non-attendance of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the Arab League Summit Conference for all Arab leaders, claiming: “Due to his health condition”. And they are truthful in their claim, however, it is not a temporary air of malaise because Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is experiencing clinical death owing to being hit by the COVID of death, through a command from Allaah, Since February 03,2022 and not now

    They want to turn people away from (believing) confirming signs. Although he is the youngest and strongest Arab leader, and the other Arab leaders are old. Therefore, there is no excuse for him! How is it that he has not recovered yet until November,02,2022 provided that it was just an air of malaise?! A malaise is temporary and goes away fast, but they want to turn people away from the truth and edifying signs. He will not recover till the Day of Judgment because he is in a clinical death since early February 2022. This a sign to let everybody know that Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani is genuinely truthful. Then they shall get over their doubts ,Allaah willing, and the truth will be uncovered. Hence, you know that Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani is truly truthful and he who perished would perish upon evidence and he who lives would live upon evidence.

    And not only will Mohammed bin Salman not attend the Arab Leaders Summit; but He also did not attend the Five-State Arab Summit in al Alamein in Egypt, although it was held for a reason related to the security of Saudi Arabia. Likewise, he will not attend the Climate Change Conference; if he has to throw a live speech attended by journalists from all over the world, and not videotaped by one channel. Because if journalists' cameras were left free to broadcast the speech live on the Internet; fabricators will not be able to (let the impersonator) act or dub the speech and they will not be able to fabricate the topic about the war between Russia and Ukraine at the Climate Change Conference, because the war on Ukraine is a global crisis, in addition to Allaah's cosmic and Corona war

    Moreover, you will never find Mohammed bin Salman in a press conference, till the Day of Judgment, where he addresses the war between Russia and Ukraine. Also, you will not find him in any new television interview, neither inside nor outside Saudi Arabia, in which he addresses his call to Russia and Ukraine to stop the war and resort to a peaceful dialogue table. Mohammed bin Salman will never appear to tackle any new topics which have happened since February 03, 2022 AD, in the international arena like an invitation (with his voice and image) to the Russians and those with them in the East and Ukraine and those with them in the West to stop the Russians’ war on Ukraine after the defeat of the Russian President when he mentioned nuclear threats. Mentioning nuclear war warnings, O Vladimir Putin is an admission of defeat, as well as the response of US President Biden in which he states “the response will be in the same way”. There is no excuse after that for the greatest of the Arab leaders, the egotistical clinically dead Crown Prince of the Salmanian Kingdom (KSA) who was promoted after his death to be the Prime Minister. That is Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who has been clinically dead since February 03, 2022. Being a supreme Saudi leader among the Arab leaders, he will not be able to use his tongue to announce the quest for mediation for the Arab leaders. And I bear witness that if he was still alive, his historic opportunity would have been to seek Arab mediation, in this sense he would lead the Arab leaders to stop World war III. But how could someone who has been clinically dead since the beginning of February 2022 AD do that

    Considering that it requires a live public appearance of Mohammed bin Salman, and press conferences for His Highness to tackle the global war between Russia and Ukraine. I know with certainty that Al Salman will reach a dead end because the dead will not return except with a miracle from the Lord of the worlds. I swear by Allaah, neither King Salman nor Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman have the ability to appear in a live conference to seek mediation to publicly stop the Russia-Ukraine war until the eight holders of the throne of Allaah, and all the angels who exalt the praise of Allaah, and all the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and the paradise which is as wide as the heavens and the earth pass through the eye of a needle

    And it was supposed that the media jester, Mohammed al-Rubea, condemns Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, who announced the death of the three members of Al Salman, by saying: “And here they are alive and well”, or he should have mentioned the sign of the leader Ali Abdullah Saleh, saying: “Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani used to swear that he would not take charge of all of Yemen unless from President Ali Abdullah Saleh, but here the Houthis killed him and he is pushing up daisies now (dead and gone)”

    In this sense, you can make people skeptical about me until the truth comes to light concerning if Nasser Mohammad al-Yamani is truly of the truthful ones and Allaah’s caliph on the worlds. But it was not from the jester, al-Rubea, except to fabricate my drinking of water (in a video) and paradoxically portray me as a polydipsic camel who excessively drink water!

    May Allaah forgive you, O jester, Mohammed al-Rubea. O Mohammed, do you know that my call started when you were about six or seven years old? And when you grew up you became a fabricating jester and a media liar who has lost his credibility. Even if you were truthful in some of your comments on the leaders of the parties, but your audacity to execute fabrications against the caliph of Allaah, al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, cost your loss of credibility, and how evil is what I made you famous for. For how do you bring together the insane liars who claim Mahdism, and Allaah's caliph, al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, the owner of the logical clarifications ?! How injudicious of you to include me among other lunatic Mahdism claimers! Who made you do it? For they will definitely not protect you against the punishment of Allaah the Swiftest in account and the Severest in torment. So take the initiative to repent and apologize before Allaah, the One, the Overpowering, takes you down with His firm plan COVID, then you lose. And if you were truly an honest man you would not have fabricated my drinking of water like a thirsty camel, I am shocked by those who watch your show! How do they watch a lying jester who is not ashamed of executing fabrications?! Man, I did not even finish one bottle of water throughout the whole discourse! So who urged you to have the audacity to fabricate a video of Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani? If I want, I shall plan against you for to me, you are not a man of respect. But Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani and his supporters are of the servants of the Most Gracious who walk on the earth humbly. They neither want to silence people nor aspire to be superior on earth or corrupt. And when ignorants address them they reply: “peace”. It is not permissible for neither my supporters, nor any truth-seeker, to be a subscriber of the channel of the liar Mohammed al-Rubea. Do not you feel ashamed of how people perceive you, O Mohammed al-Rubea? Because they watched the video of my discourse and it became clear to them that you are solely a lying broadcaster as long as you fabricated lies against Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani and assembled all the shots where I drank water throughout the discourse then put them together to look like uninterrupted sips. You did not even give me time to take a breath to drink water! Nevertheless, you taught my supporters how videos are being fabricated

    As for Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, as far as I know, he did not declare himself Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi, as well as Hassan al-Touhami who promotes the slogan
    amat amat
    أمت أمت”

    But he (al-Touhami) is
    waiting for his followers to call him al-Mahdi then he denies it. Consequently, they greatly insist upon him being the Awaited Mahdi to implement the false narrative that was not even mentioned among the fabricated hadiths, which were falsely attributed to prophet Mohammed and his honored companions, by human devils. Hypocrites know that this narrative is a clear and illogical lie that the mind shall not accept. It states that Allaah's caliph, Imam Mahdi, does not know from Allaah that He has chosen him as his caliph over the worlds! Hassan al-Touhami is holding firmly to the false and blood-shedding hadiths, and I do not absolve from guilt all the parties of Yemen who are fighting for power and all of them are bloody, except for those whom my Lord bestowed His mercy upon so they repented and turned to Allaah. And if Hassan Al-Tuhami was truthful, he would have come to the website of Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani to debate with me provided that he was of the truthful ones. But O Mohammed al-Rubea, you have indeed tarnished your image but not Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani. And if Allaah saved you, and you figured out that you mocked Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, how would you deal with people then after Allaah empowers His caliph

    Apologize so that people would not say after the empowerment if they saw you: “This is Mohammed al-Rubea, the liar who executed fabrications against Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani to make him look over thirsty like those in hellfire asking for water and get relieved with water like molten metal, scalding their faces.”

    Do not you fear that Allaah, the Lord of the worlds, might include you among those over-thirsty who ask to be relieved with water but get water like molten metal, scalding their faces out of the intensity of the scorching vapor due to the water's high temperature, but they have to sup it for its torrid heat

    Do not you fear Allaah and that you would be among them, O Mohammed al-Rubea due to fabricating against Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani? What do you think Allaah will do to you if you mock His caliph

    His (true) caliph who was not obliged by others like your claim, O Mohammed al-Rubea, what a liar! But I have been compulsively chosen by Allaah, in line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted
    {وَرَبُّكَ يَخْلُقُ مَا يَشَاءُ وَيَخْتَارُ ۗ مَا كَانَ لَهُمُ الْخِيَرَةُ ۚ سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَتَعَالَىٰ عَمَّا يُشْرِكُونَ ‎﴿٦٨﴾}
    صدق الله العظيم [سورة القصص].
    (al-Qasas— Chapter: 28— Verse: 68)

    I was absolutely raged at your fabrication concerning my drinking of water, and mocking Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi. In addition to your false statements in which you claim that I agreed with the Houthis to imprison me, till the end of Ramadan, after I announced the banquet at Sabeen square, Yemen. But you are such a liar and you and whoever incited you harmed no one but yourself and your media credibility. Lo and behold! After 18 years of da’wah, this Mohammed al-Rubea came to make me look like a beginner! Like those possessed false Mahdis whose da'wa does not last because of their lunatic illogical statements. But sane ones cannot be convinced by lunatics. On the other hand, if you logically ponder upon the clarifications, by Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, of the Qur'an through the verses of the Qur'an, your mind shall give you a ruling that Imam Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani is not lunatic, but calls to the truth and guides to the straight path

    And only my supporters from different parts of the world criticized you, so wherever you are, they are close to you, and fear them not for they never disobey my commands

    As for the edifying signs, they actually took place. Like those who imprisoned my Saudi supporters thus, Allaah took the lives of King Salman, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and Prince Khalid bin Salman through His firm plan, COVID. We are waiting for the death of Chinese President Xi Jinping, the archenemy of Islam. May Allaah shorten his life as soon as possible with his might and power and include him among the edifying signs along with whoever is of his likes from the Arab and non-Arab leaders. Indeed, my Lord is Almighty and All-Wise

    If Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani is truly Allaah's caliph on the worlds, know that Allaah will achieve His purpose and empower His caliph with His might and power. Allaah will definitely manifest the truthfulness of His caliph by fulfilling what He promised the wrongdoers

    Having said that, Mohammed bin Salman will never appear in a press conference or a new television interview to discuss the new issues that have taken place in the international arena after my announcement of his clinical death on February 03, 2022. Whereas the Russia-Ukraine war took place also in February, and Allaah demised Mohammed bin Salman shortly before that, and it was a global event (the war between Russia and Ukraine). But did you find Mohammed bin Salman ever speaking using his tongue about the war between Russia and Ukraine?! There is no old video of him in which he mentioned the war between Russia and Ukraine, that unexpectedly broke out days after his death, in the same month, on February 24, and in the same year 2022. And the war is still on until the time of issuing this statement of mine. Still, the clinically dead Prince Mohammed bin Salman did not appear in live videos since that February and we are now at the end of October. With this in mind, have you found for him one video in which he calls Russia and Ukraine to stop the war and resort to the peaceful dialogue table

    And I repeat and remind and say: if Mohammad bin Salman was alive, it would be his historic chance, and he could have made history because Saudi Arabia is a friend of the eastern and western countries. And behind him are Arab leaders who will be blamed if did not mediate to stop the war between non-Arabs, although its damage will affect Arabs and non-Arabs. Verily, Allaah will help those who fear Him and do not want to wage war or shed the blood of the aggressor. He is Most Knowing of what is within their hearts. But the global corona war is greater in torment and stronger in punishment, and soon all Arabic channels and foreign channels will be busy with the global war of Corona instead of the war of Ukraine

    And I have told you before that what has passed is just maneuvers and the time has come for the (viral) Lion beasts. So wait for the death of Xi Jinping, by permission of Allaah Lord of the worlds, and those who are like him are next

    Peace be upon the messengers, and praise is due to Allaah; Lord of the worlds

    Allaah‘s caliph on the whole world Imam Nasser Mohammad al-Yamani

  8. smiling face

    - 28 -
    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

    14— Rabi' Thani — 1444 AH
    08— November — 2022 AD
    09:50 AM
    (According to the Official Time of Mecca (Mother of Towns))

    The Reason Why the Voice and Image of Mohammed bin Salman were Missing from the World Leaders Climate Change Conference in Sharm el-Sheikh

    In the name of Allāh the One the Overpowering. May His prayers of forgiveness and peace be upon all the chosen and righteous prophets, and whoever followed their call, to worship Him alone with no partners, among the latter and earlier generations and in the upper assembly till the Day of Judgment

    The truth came to light for every rational human in the Arabs in particular and in the Non-Arabs in general who is tracking the story of the (clinical) death of the Crown Prince of the Salmanian¹ Kingdom, Mohammed bin Salman.
    ¹ relating to the Al Salman (Family of Salman) of K.S.A

    The time has come for the non-political Climate Change Conference of world leaders. A major historical event that brought together all the leaders of the Arabs and non-Arabs. Whereby Allaah's climate war, by land, sea, and air, gathered them. But did you find Prince Mohammed bin Salman attending the Climate Change Conference among world leaders, with an audiovisual on-air speech without deception or fabrication

    There is no way these lying fabricators could fabricate the voice and image of Mohammed bin Salman while addressing new topics provided that the conference is on-air. Like the Climate Change Conference gathering all the leaders of the Arab and non-Arab countries in Sharm El-Sheikh, which was inaugurated on Monday (November 07, 2022 AD) in the presence of most Arab and non-Arab leaders but Prince Mohammed bin Salman was not there

    Lo and behold, O Arabs and non-Arabs! Mohammed bin Salman would never have missed live filming of a conference where he stands among Arab and non-Arab leaders. Because showing off while he is ecstatic and showcasing his self-congratulatory smile is a hobby of his. How arrogant is Mohammed bin Salman who was also absent from giving his historical speech on which he was loquacious when he was alive? The chance came for Mohammed bin Salman to appear on-air with his real voice and image next to leaders of the world who were meeting at the grand hall of Sharm el-Sheikh where he was supposed to deliver a speech on the Saudi Green Initiative (SGI) which he constantly spoke about before his death. He states in the Middle East Green Initiative that he will make the desert of the Arabian Peninsula green like Europe to prevent global warming that has caused climate disasters, as claimed by other atheists of his likes. That is why the world leaders gathered to limit global warming, according to their claim. In this manner, the Saudi Green Initiative is related to reducing climate disasters. And he was supposed to give a boastful speech about it among all the gathered leaders of the Arab and non-Arab world in the Middle East at the Climate Change Conference in Sharm el-Sheikh's Hall. However, his money and the money of Al Salman will never be able to wake him from his clinical
    death since February 03, 2022 AD to deliver it

    Perhaps those who do not want to use their minds would like to say: “Hold on, O Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani! Are you fooling us concerning the matter of the death of King Salman, his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and the third reinforcement Prince Khalid bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud? Do you seek the Houthi’s pleasure by saying this? Then Allaah's caliph on the whole world Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani replies to you and says: May Allaah fight against you and the Houthis, reformists, supporters of Ali Abdullah Saleh, Southern Transitional Council in Yemen, all the blood-shedding Yemeni parties, and all the wrongdoing Arab leaders who do not want to use their minds to answer the caller of truth from their Lord except with a painful torment. And may the curse of Allaah be upon the liars who conceal their testimony from Allaah, and who is more unjust than he who conceals his testimony from Him? Verily, Allaah does not guide those arrogant and unjust. I have tried many times to save you so why should I grieve for people who refused to believe? I persistently gave you sincere advice, but you did not like advisors. I adviced and warned you that Allaah did not make the death of the three from Al Salman except a lesson and example for those who committed aggression towards my Saudi supporters in the devilish Salmanian Kingdom. May Allaah not bestow His peace upon them nor exalt the status of the wrongdoers among them. How dare they imprison the Saudi supporters of the Caliph of Allaah, al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? They were sentenced to dozens of years in prison! Most of them are sentenced to twenty years, and the least of them are sentenced to ten years, but Allaah's help is near. Their crime was following Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani who calls people to worship Allaah alone no partners with Him, and warns people not to call anyone besides Allaah because this is a terrible stage of polytheism and great injustice. Whoever refuses the call of Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani has earned the wrath of Allaah and his resting place will be in Hell and how dreadful it is. That is because when Allaah only was invoked, you disbelieved, but when some intercessors were ascribed to Him you believed. Certainly, Judgement is for Allaah alone and He is the best of Judges, in line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted

    إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا يُنَادَوْنَ لَمَقْتُ اللَّهِ أَكْبَرُ مِن مَّقْتِكُمْ أَنفُسَكُمْ إِذْ تُدْعَوْنَ إِلَى الْإِيمَانِ فَتَكْفُرُونَ ‎﴿١٠﴾‏ قَالُوا رَبَّنَا أَمَتَّنَا اثْنَتَيْنِ وَأَحْيَيْتَنَا اثْنَتَيْنِ فَاعْتَرَفْنَا بِذُنُوبِنَا فَهَلْ إِلَىٰ خُرُوجٍ مِّن سَبِيلٍ ‎﴿١١﴾‏ ذَٰلِكُم بِأَنَّهُ إِذَا دُعِيَ اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ كَفَرْتُمْ ۖ وَإِن يُشْرَكْ بِهِ تُؤْمِنُوا ۚ فَالْحُكْمُ لِلَّهِ الْعَلِيِّ الْكَبِيرِ ‎﴿١٢﴾‏ هُوَ الَّذِي يُرِيكُمْ آيَاتِهِ وَيُنَزِّلُ لَكُم مِّنَ السَّمَاءِ رِزْقًا ۚ وَمَا يَتَذَكَّرُ إِلَّا مَن يُنِيبُ ‎﴿١٣﴾‏ فَادْعُوا اللَّهَ مُخْلِصِينَ لَهُ الدِّينَ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْكَافِرُونَ ‎﴿١٤﴾‏
    (Surah: Ghafir — Chapter: 40 — Verses: 10-14)

    Indeed, the call of Allaah's Caliph, al- Mahdi, Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, is established on an insight (the Great Qur’an) from Allaah and is free of polytheism and global bloody terrorism. It is mercy to the worlds. And whoever reads the true clarification of the Qur’an by the Caliph of Allaah, al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani is a witness to that, and his mind bears witness that the call of Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani is truly mercy to the worlds. And what forced me to remind you are those who are unaware of the story of Al Salman think that the announcement of the death of King Salman, his Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, and Minister of Defense Khalid bin Salman, is for political reasons, verbal revenge , or to earn the pleasure of other people from the enemies of Al Salman. I seek refuge from Allaah from His anger! Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani does not seek the pleasure of servants against the pleasure of Allaah and my credibility causing harm to my call to the way of Allaah for 18 years by sacrificing it to take vengeance on Al Salman by fabricating lies! I only cared about proving with evidence that they died owing to the COVID of no escape from death and I do not care about most of the analysts proofs because I know from Allaah that which they do not know before evidences of the death of the Salmanian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. But I had previously warned you in a strongly-worded challenge for every stubborn disbeliever right before the death of the three, especially concerning the crown Prince of the Salmanian Kingdom Mohammed bin Salman and his brother Khalid bin Salman and the matter has been decided. You will find the details of the story on the front page of my website in the (English section) in a series titled: the story of the death of King Salman and Mohammed bin Salman and Khalid bin Salman, an edifying lesson for those who take heed.

    So why did not you learn the lesson, O Yemeni President Rashad al-Alimi?! Why do you hide the truth from the worlds for the sake of worldly interests while you know with knowledge of certainty that Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani is truthful in his announcement of the death of King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Defence Minister Khalid bin Salman?! Also, Houthi leaders know good and well that they did not kill Leader Ali Abdullah Saleh but they know nothing about him. Anyway, what will Ali Abdullah Saleh do for me other than a speech he will deliver to the Yemeni people (for a great wisdom from Allaah) according to the news from the Lord of the worlds? So I did not do this out of my own accord for Allaah has also made the aliveness of Ali Abdullah Saleh a sign for the worlds. And it is not because Allaah is going to resurrect him after his death but because I know from Allaah that he is alive and well according to the news from the Lord of the worlds

    Likewise, King Salman, Mohammed bin Salman and Khalid bin Salman are among the dead, and one of them is still clinically dead. Our brought near to Allaah allies (Raqeeb and Ateed, the Angels of death) in this worldly life and in the hereafter are tormenting him by hitting his face and back during his disgraceful death caused by Allaah through His firm plan of COVID in sooner than a blink of an eye to make him an edifying sign, warning and example, but what use are signs and warnings to people who will not believe? You will earn nothing other than the outcome of what you do

    Anyway, the question which is still imposing itself to smart people since the absence of Mohammed bin Salman in Beijing Olympics on February 04, 2022 AD, owing to his death, is: Where is Mohammed bin Salman and why does he miss on-air meetings where he has to discuss new topics on the political scene, if you were truthful

    Adulation from channels and news sites about Mohammed bin Salman, whom they perceive as great, is excessive. For instance, they claim he released the prisoners of war in the Ukraine and is working on new projects, but it is just distractive news by Saudi Press Agency News (Known as: SPA) and other channels, who think in a fashion similar to SPA, broadcast it too. O you who turn people away (from following the truth) viewers never thought about the fact that there is not even one video of Prince Mohammed bin Salman where he addresses the crisis of the war of Russia and the Ukraine or any new topics on the political scene. Did not I tell you that I know from Allaah that which you do not know and that Mohammed bin Salman is clinically dead until whenever Allaah wills to take his soul out? So here he did not attend the international summit of world leaders in Sharm el-Sheikh. And the the short-living ones among Al Salman ,may Allaah shorten their lives along with their allies, will not be able to bring Mohammed bin Salman back to life. Because of this I kept on confirming his death through the challenge with the truth that Mohammed bin Salman will never attend to give his speech at the Climate Change Conference among the leaders of the worlds in the meeting hall of the world leaders in Sharm El-Sheikh. Because fabricators will never be able to make the impersonator of Mohammed bin Salman give a live speech seeing that there are thousands of Arab and non-Arab journalists who are filming live and true scenes and that are not fabrications like Mohammed bin Salman's fake speech at the Jeddah summit. As a result, fabricators have reached a dead end, but because it was time for the global international Climate Change Conference for the world leaders in Sharm el-Sheikh, Al Salman found themselves unable to fabricate. However, the worst misfortune is the one that makes you laugh! Fabricators had no choice but to hold a solo conference for them only in Sharm el-Sheikh so that they could fabricate! Or did Mohammed bin Salman really speak in the presence of the leaders of the non-Arab and Arab world?! And I repeat the question again and ask: Was Mohammed bin Salman present at the hall of the climate summit for the world leaders? and did he deliver his speech on-air with his voice and image as the leaders of the world did there? What prevented Mohammed bin Salman from speaking among world leaders so he avoided attending the conference? He did not attend with them last Monday, and his plane went to Sharm El-Sheikh to represent KSA at a solo summit in isolation from the Climate Change Conference so that journalists and world leaders would not discover their fabrications. Only those who do not use their minds think that Mohammed bin Salman delieverd a speech among leaders of the world at the conference. But if they try to make sure of the news they will find it false. Mohammed bin Salman did not attend the Sharm el-Sheikh summit, so they will find no evidence that he visited it. Having said that, who do you think fooled you? Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani or the rest of the human devils from Al Salman and their likes? And I know with knowledge of certainty that they will reach an impossible dead end, at the Climate Change Conference among world leaders, where it is impossible to impersonate and fabricate. It is impossible because they will be exposed whether they used excerpts of old videos or impersonated Mohammed bin Salman using the realistic mask. And this method will fail due to the difference between the voice of the impersonator and the real voice of Mohammed bin Salman, hence non-Arab leaders will know that they are experiencing fake acts and fabrications. And among them are ones who are aware of fabrications but kept quiet. And among the Arabs are those who are aware as well but they kept it for themselves and received the price of turning people away from the edifying signs like what happened at the Security and Development Summit in Saudi Arabia's city of Jeddah. Except for Biden! He was not aware. But the summit of world leaders held in Sharm el-Sheikh gathered many leaders and Al Salman and their allies could not resurrect Mohammed bin Salman from his clinical death to deliver his speech on new topics in the same hall with the leaders and from the same hall. Was their meeting for anything other than climate disasters? But Al Salman and their allies could not execute their fabrications because of the many attending world leaders and journalists. For that reason, they held a solo conference to be able to fabricate to fool simpletons. Therefore, many people would think that Mohammed bin Salman truly delivered a speech among world leaders in the hall of the Climate Change Conference in front of such large crowd of world leaders, ministers and journalists, while if anyone who owns a mind looks at the video, he will notice that he avoided all world leaders and did not give his speech with them on the pretext of the Initiative of Mohammed bin Salman as if it was not fit to be delivered among world leaders in the hall where they gathered at the Climate Change Conference in Sharm el-Sheikh! But what matters most is the presence of the masked/fabricator Mohammed bin Salman in the city of Sharm el-Sheikh to deliver the Initiative's speech in an apartment or basement and avoid the hall of world leaders so that they execute the fabrication. Lo and behold! It is as if intellectual ones among Arabs are cows and do not think! May the curse of Allaah befall those who hide the truth in Arabs and non-Arabs. And let it befall Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani if he was a liar. Indeed judgement is Allaah's and He is the best of Judges

    So be prepared for more of Allaah’s calamitous war of COVID, His firm plan, which shall strike you. In addition to a disastrous climate war from Allaah that will fall nearby your homes until the promise of Allaah (which will oblige you) to obey His caliph comes. Eventually, it is Allaah‘s decision and His determination to perfect His (guidance) light to the world, In line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted
    وَلَوْ أَنَّ قُرْآنًا سُيِّرَتْ بِهِ الْجِبَالُ أَوْ قُطِّعَتْ بِهِ الْأَرْضُ أَوْ كُلِّمَ بِهِ الْمَوْتَىٰ ۗ بَل لِّلَّهِ الْأَمْرُ جَمِيعًا ۗ أَفَلَمْ يَيْأَسِ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَن لَّوْ يَشَاءُ اللَّهُ لَهَدَى النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا ۗ وَلَا يَزَالُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا تُصِيبُهُم بِمَا صَنَعُوا قَارِعَةٌ أَوْ تَحُلُّ قَرِيبًا مِّن دَارِهِمْ حَتَّىٰ يَأْتِيَ وَعْدُ اللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُخْلِفُ الْمِيعَادَ ‎﴿٣١﴾‏
    Truthful is Allaah the Great
    [Chapter:13 — verse:31]

    Even if you stopped the pace of life for all human nations, Allaah will not lessen His climate war because it has nothing to do with factories' fossil exhausts and Carbon dioxide as you claim, and far is that from happening!

    I swear by the Lord of the earth and heavens that the reason behind the high index of Allaah’s climate war is due to the approaching of planet Hell, Saqar, which will abruptly come to humans on the night it arrives. It will surprise them from the south of the earth coming from the far north pole very soon in line with the word of Allaah
    خُلِقَ الْإِنسَانُ مِنْ عَجَلٍ ۚ سَأُرِيكُمْ آيَاتِي فَلَا تَسْتَعْجِلُونِ ‎﴿٣٧﴾‏ وَيَقُولُونَ مَتَىٰ هَٰذَا الْوَعْدُ إِن كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ ‎﴿٣٨﴾‏ لَوْ يَعْلَمُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا حِينَ لَا يَكُفُّونَ عَن وُجُوهِهِمُ النَّارَ وَلَا عَن ظُهُورِهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يُنصَرُونَ ‎﴿٣٩﴾‏ بَلْ تَأْتِيهِم بَغْتَةً فَتَبْهَتُهُمْ فَلَا يَسْتَطِيعُونَ رَدَّهَا وَلَا هُمْ يُنظَرُونَ ‎﴿٤٠﴾‏
    Truthful is Allaah the Exalted
    [Chapter:21 — Verse: 37:40].

    This is from the clear verses of the Qur'an which you will find its true interpretation upon actual reality, even though you already witness that the effect of the approach of Planet Saqar has multiplied more than you will ever imagine, so where will you escape from it?

    Allaah has made all that climatologists claimed concerning fossil carbon which is for them the reason behind global warming a hypothesis that could be true or false. Thus, demolishing what they used to believe in.

    but I am Allaah’s caliph Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad al-Yamani, Allaah founded my knowledge on very accurate physical scientific basics in His Book, the great Quran. All atheists will know that I am truthful in everything, and may the curse of Allaah be upon the liars

    Peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allaah Lord of the worlds
    Allaah’s caliph on the worlds, Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yamani

  9. smiling face The Absence of Mohammed bin Salman from COP27

    - 2 -
    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

    15—Rabi’ Thani— 1444 AH
    08:00 PM
    (According to the official time of [Mecca] Mother of Towns)

    The Absence of Mohammed bin Salman from COP27¹

    ¹The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, more commonly referred to as COP27.

    May the peace, mercy, blessings, and the bliss of Allaah's pleasure be upon you

    Make use of the great opportunity of the meeting of the leaders of the whole world at the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP27) in Sharm el-Sheikh, from which the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, was absent with his voice and image. Even if a video of Mohammed bin Salman's impersonator was audio dubbed, it would be exposed by the attending leaders of the world for they know good and well that Mohammed bin Salman was not at the conference with them. Then they will wonder how he was appearing in a video with them while they know that he did not attend COP27 with them. Or did he transmogrify into an angel and that is why they did not see him? Verily, the attending world leaders will criticize his fabricated visual image in which he appears among the attendees. They also know that he did not give a speech unlike the Non-Arab and Arab leaders at COP27.
    But they brought fabricated CD made up of different real videos of Mohammed bin Salman in his own flesh and blood. And the question is: Are they going to play the fabricated CD of Mohammed bin Salman at COP27? But it would highlight the fact that he truly did not attend! They cannot execute their fabrications unless they hold a conference separate from COP27, then they would start playing the fabricated CD, which is made up of stringed-together-shots from previous videos of Mohammed bin Salman in which he addressed climate change. Most of which are from the Advisory or Ministerial Council and are not uploaded on the internet. This is called a fabrication assembled from old real videos. After that, comes the role of the masked impersonator to greet and embrace the twenty attendees on-air in a footage but it must be a silent one when it is the turn of the masked impersonator. Because they will not show his voice, by which he addresses new topics, to viewers for it will expose the fact that it is not Mohammed bin Salman’s voice. Unfortunately, many of the general public did not differentiate between the only-gestures acting of the masked impersonator of Mohammed bin Salman and fabrications. Fabrications are real and in the voice and image of the same person, but words from their videos are assembled to appear as if they were one speech. Not only this but also they can fabricate a speech and make a person speak with what convicts him using his true voice and image. In this sense, no one shall question the validity of the fabricated video unless they bring the original video which was fabricated. Here the fabrication will be debunked and this is what “fabrication” means. And I shall set forth an example of fabrication: Some fabricator trumped up a speech of Hassan Nasrallah where he admits being an ally of Israel and a friend of the Zionists. Despite the video having the real voice and image of Hassan Nasrallah, the mind will interject and say: “ Presuming that he is an ally of Israel and a friend of the Zionists, he would not say that out loud before the world”. Although it is the real voice of Hassan Nasrallah and his true image in flesh and blood, they took the part in which he mentioned the Zionists and Israel from another video and replaced them with Syria and Tehran. So when they oust a word from a video to replace it with another one it is called fabrication because they displace words from their proper usage. But the problem is when they do not find a video of the same person where he addresses a new topic, since it will be difficult for them to execute their fabrications. So when will you understand that?! However, you cannot deny that there was a speech by Mohammed bin Salman at the solo climate change conference at Sharm el-Sheikh. To explain, it was a real CD of Mohammed bin Salman, in flesh and blood, assembled from different videos of his speeches about the climate and the Saudi Green Initiative (SGI) for he often spoke about in various videos when he was alive, especially in the private meeting of the Advisory Board. But the fabricated CD of Mohammed bin Salman cannot be brought to the general Climate Change Conference of world leaders. And here the masked impersonator would be unable to speak on air for his voice will expose the fact that he is not the real Mohammed bin Salman. Still, people have to differentiate between the acting of a silent masked impersonator whom T.V viewers in the worlds cannot hear his voice, and fabrications using the voice and image of the real person like in the video below:

    I am not defending Hassan Nasrallah and I have got nothing to do with him nor his likes among parties of the Arab world who take religion as means to come to power. But I wanted to shed light on what is meant by fabrications which are a shame on their executant. Back to the matter at hand, what is going to expose all the plotting of the fabrication carried out by the other (alive) Al Salman along with their staged serial stories since the death of Mohammed bin Salman is your exclusive concentration on publishing the reason behind the absence of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman from COP27 at Sharm el-Sheikh. Also, alert the attention of any sane person who uses his mind. And respect your intelligence O peoples of the worlds, for you will not find Mohammed bin Salman present among world leaders in any of the conference's videos. So where is He?!
    What even matters most is Mohammed bin Salman not giving the speech of the Kingdom concerning the climate like other world leaders did. And the sole reason is the helplessness of the fabricators because they cannot represent Mohammed bin Salman using a realistic mask of his face at the Climate Change Conference of the world leaders. They cannot bring a CD of a real video of Mohammed bin Salman because this means he is not present with them and absent from COP27 and that is the main reason why they made a solo climate conference away from the Climate Change Conference of the world leaders so that they could fabricate. Fabrications outside KSA have been debunked so did you understand the news O righteous forerunner supporters? And I repeat and say: focus on one thing only: the absence of Mohammed bin Salman from the Climate Change Conference of the leaders of the world about which they gathered at COP27 at Sharm el-Sheikh's Hall except for Mohammed bin Salman. Why was not the lion-like seen in the same hall where world leaders gathered? or have eyes failed to perceive him? But they delude people that his speech in Sharm al-Sheikh was new, and that is only so that whoever watches think that the speech of Mohammed bin Salman must have been in the meeting hall of world leaders, except for those who put their mind into action and scrutinized the video of the Climate Change Conference of world leaders in Sharm al-Sheikh and the isolated summit that they call the Middle East Green Initiative (MGI) that looks like as if it was tackling a topic irrelevant to climate change. I swear by Allaah, whoever does not understand the reason that obliged them to do so, let him label himself a donkey that fails to understand among the peoples of the world or a cow that does not take heed from such exposed, clear, and obvious event in Sharm El-Sheikh
    Concentrate these days on publishing this statement and the one before, as hard as you could and by every means, on different media platforms. And let Al Salman or whoever acts on their behalf logically reply to them

    Here is a question for every sane human: what is the far-reaching wisdom behind the absence of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman from COP27 where leaders of the world gathered in Sharm el-Sheikh? Despite his presence in Sharm al-Sheikh, according to their claim, we do not find him among Arab and non-Arab leaders of the world. They were gathered in one hall except for the ”great leader”, nobody saw him with them!
    This is an insult to Saudi Arabia, was he seen as worthless of attending among them so they kicked him out of the Climate Summit (COP 27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, so that he had to hold a summit suitable for his elevated status in Sharm El-Sheikh, separate from the original Climate Change Conference which was attended by all leaders of the world?! Does it make any sense that his Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman would accept such devaluation if he were alive and well? I shall leave the answer to mind and logic, although searching for solid proofs do not concern me, since I already know what happened concerning Al Salman before you. But I had to clarify what is happening in front of you in order to force truth seekers and thinkers to think
    Peace be upon the messengers and all praise is due to Allaah the Lord of the worlds
    Allaah's caliph on the whole world; Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

  10. افتراضي Urgent to Whoever Respects their Mind..


    Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

    22 - Rabi’ II - 1444 After Hijrah
    16 - November - 2022 Anno Domini
    05:40 Post Meridiem
    (According to the official time of Mecca Mother of Towns)

    Urgent to Whoever Respects their Mind..

    In the name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Here is a question aimed at mind and logic: Is it logical for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to arrive at the G-20 (Group of the Twenty countries), heading the delegation of Saudi Arabia, then we find him not amongst the leaders of the G-20 summit? To explain, the arrival of all the leaders at the summit was broadcasted live, against the will of the fabricators, through the cameras of the correspondent of the official Saudi TV and other non-Arab channels. The naïve correspondent of Saudi TV wanted to air the moment of the arrival of his lord, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in his luxurious car, from which he then alights to walk on the red carpet as the other leaders of the G-20 did. After this, the Indonesian president receives them, along with other invited heads of state, at the gate of the meeting hall to handshake, greet them, and take photos. The correspondent of the Saudi channel was waiting for the arrival of his lord, Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and kept on saying: “We are awaiting the arrival of my master and lord, Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the headquarters of the G-20”. And whenever a procession of one of the summit's leaders arrived, he thought it was Mohammed bin Salman's and got ready to declare his arrival live on TV because all channels were broadcasting the event on air. How pitiful the cameramen of the Saudi media were! It is as if they were ardently waiting for something to happen, but their wish was never realized

    The correspondent of Saudi TV was embarrassed many times while live broadcasting the delegations of the leaders of the world. He falsely thought multiple times that the arrived procession is that of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, but to his surprise, all of the leaders of the G20 summit arrived at the meeting hall and the last one to enter through the gate of honor was the US President Joe Biden. This situation gives rise to questions: Why did not the masked impersonator of Mohammed bin Salman enter among the delegations of the leaders of the G20 Summit?! Let me rephrase: Although the masked impersonator can enter from amongst the queue of official delegations in clear veneration from the gate of honor, in a great procession, the devils of Al Salman are apprehensive about the consequences of such an act when their manipulative charade gets exposed later in the queue of arrivals at the gate of honor where consecutive leaders officially enter, received by the president of Indonesia who is hosting the G-20 of 2022 AD. Apparently, the president of Indonesia was also afraid, like Al Salman, to put himself in distress and historical lie which shall cost his country's loss of both credibility and membership in the G-20

    I repeat the question for the fourth time: What is the reason behind the acceptance of the masked impersonator of Mohammed bin Salman of the insult to the Crown Prince and KSA?! Lo and behold! Such bizarre and scandalous acts that grab the attention of any sane person who uses their mind and does not believe whatever they hear on TV until they investigate the truth. But history is repeating itself! Just as the directors of the Al Salman charades accepted insult at the climate summit, they accepted it at the G-20 summit, even though Saudi Arabia is the only member of the G-20, with the largest economy in the world. Masquerades by the brothers of Prince Mohammed bin Salman have indeed piqued the dignity of Saudi Arabia, so how long will Al Saud accept the humiliation of themselves and their state

    Although the masked man (wearing the mask of MBS) was present at the headquarters of the G-20 Summit, he was not among the presidents who arrived at the hall officially, like the leaders of the G-20 Summit or the leaders of other countries who were invited to attend. They were also officially received in a manner befitting their stature when they came to the gate of the headquarters of the hall of the G-20 conference. The Indonesian President received them at the gate of the Hall of Honor, except for the head of the delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman, who was not seen among the officially honored arrivals at the gate of honor of the summit's venue, despite the announcement that his plane had taken off from the capital, Riyadh, heading to attend the G-20 summit, as Saudi Arabia is the only one in the Arab countries that has previously won a seat in the Group of the Twenty countries with the largest economy in the world. However, I do not argue with them concerning this matter. I have another argument to hold against them which I shall not change: To address the war between Russia and Ukraine with his own tongue. But you will never find any video of Mohammed bin Salman in which he tackles the war between Russia and Ukraine, and calls them in an audiovisual speech to stop the war and resort to the dialogue table. Allaah is about to permit the calamity of the COVID-of-death to kill them together or dispersedly with a blast from which there is no recovery, along with those of their like among the arrogant human devils in the party of the global Zionist devils; Arabs and non-Arabs

    Anyway, enough disusing your minds, O viewers from the Arab peoples in particular. The Saudi news channel unwillingly broadcasted the event live because it is a gathering summit for the leaders of the greatest economy in the world. How is it that Arab viewers listen to the nonsense reported by news channels and believe the lie of the attendance of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, despite lacking the videos of his official reception when the leaders of the G-20 arrived at the headquarters of the summit

    This is new conclusive evidence on the shame of the fabrications executed by the lowly arrogant ones from Al Salman. O cultivated people and those with sound minds, is not it time yet for you to use your minds and logic?! Would Mohammed bin Salman accept to be not honored and videotaped like the other leaders of the G-20? Did you find him among the honored delegation arriving at the gate of the headquarters of the G-20 summit? While the Saudi channel was broadcasting the event live and waiting for the arrival of the delegation led by Prince Mohammed bin Salman, they were shocked that it was announced that all of the leaders have arrived! And it became clear to the correspondents of Saudi TV that the delegation (of the fabricators) had previously entered the meeting hall without an official entry from the gate of honour. Did they enter from the back door without being received at the official gate of leaders

    This is the plain truth that you will find in actual reality. I swear by Allaah you will never find the impersonator of Mohammed bin Salman in a LIVE conference with any leader unless the meeting is not broadcasted LIVE, even if he went around the world to meet them all. He will always be unable to attend a live press conference because journalists will ask him about new matters that happened in the international arena, like what will happen now. And I challenge him in advance to appear in a press conference with one of the leaders whom he will visit their countries, and I had already issued this challenge as early as the beginning of the most important event in the global political arena, after the death of Mohammed bin Salman, Khalid bin Salman, and King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, that is the war between Russia and Ukraine

    I repeat the question for the millionth time: who is fooling the Arabs in particular after broadcasting the protocols of receiving the leaders of the G-20 summit from the first arrival to the last one, US President Joe Biden?! After this, the Indonesian president who is hosting the summit entered the meeting hall accompanied by Joe Biden to commence the G-20 with an exordium. In order for the Indonesian president to help the impersonator not be exposed by his voice when he speaks about new issues. He unusually ordered all of the journalists to exit the G-20 meeting hall after the opening speech. Members of the G-20 usually give speeches on air, but the Indonesian president invented a new protocol and expelled the journalists so the impersonator of Mohammed bin Salman does not get exposed by his loving or hating Arab viewers

    I will now leave you with the video, to examine the fabrication you have seen earlier through SPA (Saudi Press Agency), that Prince Mohammed bin Salman was received like those who were then escorted to the gate of the hall of honor, passed by the flags of the G-20, and hugged the Indonesian president at the gate of the hall of honor. However, you will not find these scenes in the original clip which I have managed to bring to you. After all these Saudi charades that are crystal clear for those endowed with minds, whoever is not certain that Mohammed bin Salman would not accept such insults, provided that he was alive, is not a man of intellect. O Arab people who are quite familiar with the (pretentious) personality of the Arab Prince Mohammed bin Salman, will you not reason

    The soon-to-be annihilated fabricators among Al Salman who are waiting for the return of Donald Trump to enthrone them wherever he promised them, is it not time yet for you to carry out my command and release my Saudi supporters from your prisons?! However, if you insist on your arrogance, know that you are not challenging Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani but Allaah, the Lord of the worlds. And you have gone so far concerning disobeying the command of the caliph of Allaah, al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

    Now, I leave you to watch the original clip from the beginning to the end. And you will not find anything that verifies receiving Prince Mohammed bin Salman; even though the cameraman of Saudi TV is obliged to LIVE broadcast the event because it is the summit of the G-20 leaders and not just an individual visit of a leader of some country. That is why the cameraman has to connect his camera to the internet to broadcast the meeting live. This being the case, he will not be able to edit anything in the video after the live broadcast of the event. Also, he (the cameraman) was waiting for the leader of the Kingdom’s delegation, Prince Mohammed bin Salman, to arrive to participate in the G-20 summit held on the island of Bali, Indonesia. The correspondents of the Saudi TV thought that the cameraman would film the moment of the arrival of the delegation of His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman. To their surprise, the Saudi delegation have been escorted to the meeting hall through other than the gate of honor at the headquarters of the G-20 summit; without any honoring reception ceremony

    Watch the full video that exposes the clip fabricated by the liar Saudi SPA channel, so their lies become clear to all truth seekers, statesmen, politicians, the media, and people of understanding minds. Who would believe you after fabricating a scene which was not in the LIVE broadcast of the event from its beginning to the end?! And I am referring to the fabricated scene of receiving Mohammed bin Salman, not the muted dialogue between the impersonator and other non-Arab leaders, most of whom are not aware that the person they are chatting with is not the real Mohammed bin Salman. They mislead the viewers with their contrived acts to distract minds from focusing when something happens that shall debunk their concealment of the clinical death of Mohammed bin Salman since February 03, 2022 AD. I do not have time to follow their charades, and I am waiting for the decisive judgment of Allaah, the Most Merciful, concerning the matter of the Salman family

    I apologize for the long statement. Check out the video by the Saudi channel and the original clip. Did you find Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman officially received among the other leaders?! Watch carefully and make sure of it. The correspondent (of the Saudi TV) accidentally helped in exposing their lies when he was waiting to declare the arrival of his master and lord Mohammed bin Salman at the gate of honor to be solemnly received like the other G-20 leaders of the economically major countries in the world. He declared the arrival of all of them except for Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman; although he was SPECIFICALLY waiting for his arrival. Watch the video from the beginning to the end

    I repeat my question for the thousandth time: Who is making a fool out of Arabs? Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani or the remaining arrogant ones among the family of Al Salman?! O people insight, take Lesson from this

    Peace be upon the messengers and all praise is due to Allaah Lord of the worlds
    Allaah's caliph on the whole world; Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani

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